Log 2023-5-22
Monday 2023-5-22
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Finland, Estonia, Russia, Germany +S1-2
6295 16.45 unid, S3-5, same big band mx over and over
6270 17.30 unid, unassessable, covered by ute 6265-75, mx
6320 17.30 Avia, S4-7, occ. ute 6300-6320, hard rock tracks in the statics, 17.36: AC / DC - Thunderstruck, 17.49: Steve Miller Band - The Joker, 17.53: Golden Earring - When the Bullet hits the Bone (Twilight Zone), 18.00: "Good evening listeners, you're listening to Radio Avia from the Netherlands with a few records", Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Davy's on the Road Again, 18.06: Sniff 'n Tears - Driver's Seat, 18.15: 10CC - Wall Street Shuffle, 18.37: id, S5-7
19.30: Thunderstorm front approaching > grounding the antennas
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