Log 2023-7-30
Sunday 2023-7-30 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia +S1-4 5800 16.38 Akenzo / R. 60, S3-5, Rolling Stones - House of the rising Sun, 16.43: talking, greez, song: "Bij de jukebox", ids 16.45 and 16.46, at 17.45 id: "ContiKenzo met Radio 60", S5-7, at 19.00: S6-8, Russian QSOs on freq 6300 17.46 Abu Dhabi, S7-S9+5, occ. ute 6302-05, instr. country R&R tracks, 17.51-54 Dutch humor talking, Dutch song, 17.58: Kyu Sakamoto - Sukiyaki, 18.01: instr. steel guitar R&R, Norwegian country mx, 18.07: "This is Radio Abu Dhabi, playing a few records, good morning", Moe Bandy - Hank And Lefty Raised My Country Soul, 18.14: greez to Pluto, Fox 48, Heather Myles - Sweet little Dangerous, Eddie Meduza - Torsten hällde brännvin i ett glas åt Karin Söder 6290 19.03 unid / Weekend Mu