Log 2023-7-1
Saturday 2023-7-1
Calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Finland, Russia +S1-2
6170 16.05 Scandinavian Weekend Radio, S7-9, at 19.45: S9-S9+10, at 20.45: S9+5-S9+15, cd 21.00
1602 16.25 Scandinavian Weekend Radio, S5-7
Calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania +S1-3
6240 19.00 unid / Skyline Radio Germany, S3-5
6235 19.02 LHH, S3-5, "Laser Hot Hits with Bob Walker"
6290 19.04 Weekend Music, S4-6
5140 19.06 Charleston, S3-5
5880 19.08 Rock Revolution, S3-5
6270 19.13 Studio 52, S4-6
6130 19.50 Europa, S6-8
6060 19.55 Delta, S7-9, "Radio Delta goes DX"
5970 20.00 R. 208, S7-9
5930 20.05 World Music, S7-9
5895 20.10 Northern Star, S5-7
6290 20.12 unid, S6-8, WMR beneath on freq, German waltz song, 20.15: hosting, Dutch songs
5810 21.07 Deltracks, S6-8, "Retro Hits"
Calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +3 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, static hassle and crashes +S1-2
1620 21.10 unid, S6-9, Dutch song, accordion waltz, "Mariolite"-song, Dutch songs, 21.24: "This Waltz is for You and for Me"-waltz, 21.31: greez, Dutch song, polka version of "River Kwai March", 21.42: in QSO
1629 21.15 Marskramer, S4-7, Dutch version of "Ring of Fire", instr. polka, id 21.20
1636 21.16 Blauwe Koe, S6-9, Billy Mo - Ich kauf mir lieber einen Tirolerhut, Dutch songs, id 21.25
1647 21.19 Spakenburg, S5-8, Matchbox - Midnight Dynamos, German version of "The Boxer", 21.28: id, email, Small Faces - Itchycoo Park
1652 21.26 pres. Moby Dick, S5-8, polkas, Dutch songs
1625 21.36 unid, S3-5, 1620 splashing, Dutch songs
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