
Showing posts from September, 2023

Log 2023-9-29

Friday 2023-9-29 , sunset 16 UTC Unsettled ionosphere after a G-storm between 22 and 12 UTC, Bz currently +2 .. +6 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, Greece, Albania, Sicily 6380      15.58     unid / Skyline Radio Germany, S5-7, ute on freq, version of "Japanese Boy", id-jingle, version of "Boys of Summer", 16.45: announcements and id-tunes of former stations, 16.47: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the show is about to begin", 16.49: SRG-id 6295      16.01     Ronalisa, S4-6, ute on freq occ. covering, instr. techno, instr. polka, 16.07: Donna Summer - I Feel Love, 16.09: "You're listening to Radio Ronalisa", email, rock and polka tracks 6960      16.37     pres. Zeppelin, S4-6, Greek songs Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: +2 .. +6 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S2, occ. static crashes from Greece, Sicily , weak, noisy, fading and distorted 180 meter signals, south eastern signals dominat...

Log 2023-9-28

Thursday 2023-9-28 Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S1, floor MW=S2, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, fading and noise levels up for some reason 6295      15.49     unid, S4-6, ute 6295-98, Chaka Khan - I feel for You, 15.52 moved to 6290, ute 6289-92, instr. polka, 15.55: Dave Edmunds - I hear You Knocking, rock tracks, polkas 5810      16.56     Deltracks, S3-5, ute on freq, Alice Cooper - School's Out, id 1638      17.03     unid, S3-5, Johnny Cash - Orange Blossom Special 1629      17.07     unid / Mi Amigo France , S3-6, Dutch songs, 17.10 moved to 1630, 17.15: "Emission Radio Mi Amigo France", rock tracks, Dutch and German songs 1620      17.08     unid, S2-5, Dutch and German songs 1647      17.13     unid, S2-5, rock and country tracks, 17.24: Ivy League - Tossing and Turning,...

Log 2023-9-27

Wednesday 2023-9-27 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 13.30-14 UTC, Bz erratic: -3 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Türkiye, Greece, the Ionian Sea 1620      17.37     King Kong, S3-5, instr. polka, greez to Maurits, cd 17.38 G1-peak at 18 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, occ. statics +S1, distorted signals in deep fading 1621      19.01     Turftrekker, S4-9, ute 1621-24, Deep Purple - Black Night, 19.06: DÖF - Codo (Ich düse, düse im Sauseschritt), 19.18:  Hollies - Jennifer Eccles,  Bangles - Eternal Flame, Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, John Lennon - Gimme some Truth, 19.31: id, phone number 1929      19.02     Spakenburg, S4-9, 1621 splashing, German and Dutch song, 19.07: Who - Pinnball Wizard, 19.12: greez, 19.16: greez to Maurits, 19.22: greez to Casablanca of Emmen, 19.30: Nena - Leuchtturm, 19.36: Jim Reeves - Bi...

Log 2023-9-26

Tuesday 2023-9-26 G1-peaks at 11-14 UTC, G2-G1-peaks at 15.30-16 UTC < Bz negative since 3 UTC, currently -2 .. -1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Greece, the Ionian Sea +S1, signals in fast fading 6295      19.22     Parade (UK), S4-6, id-jingle, Irish folk mx, 19.27: id-jingle 5880      19.29     Rock Revolution, S4-6, id-jingle, Cher - If I could turn back Time 5140      19.33     Charleston, S4-6, occ. ute 5136-39, "This is CRI, we broadcast on 5140 kcs in the 60 meter band", song: "It don't mean a Thing if I ain't got that Swing" 1620      19.38     Marianne, S6-8, 1611 splashing, occ. ute 1621-24, Dutch songs, e.g. 19.41: "Op Hawaii", 19.42: greez to Zorro and others, "Dit is Marianne jonges, jooou" 1611      19.54     Northern Star, S4-7, 1602 R. Tsentr splashing, Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, 19.58: id-jin...

Log 2023-9-25

Monday 2023-9-25 Ionosphere unsettled after last evening's and night's G2-storm, G1-peaks all day long, the latest at 12.30-13, 15, 16 and 16.30 UTC, Bz: +2 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, the Ionian Sea + S1 5810      16.11     Deltracks, S3-6, occ. ute 5810-13, Deep Purple - Child in Time, Beatles - Hey Jude, 16.24: "Retro Hits", Kiss - I was made for loving You 1620      17.16     King Kong, S3-5, "Zeeman oh zeeman"-waltz, "Kleine Louise"-tango, polka and waltz cavalcade, 17.30 and 17.31: talking, greez, 17.34: Arthur Godfrey - Too fat Polka, German and Dutch songs, 17.44: id, talking, cd-ann., Hawaii guitar + accordion polka, cd 17.51 1632      17.25     Zwarte Boekanier, S3-6, greez, id, German and Dutch songs, polkas, 17.53: cd-ann., phone number, Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, cd 17.54 1656      17.55 ...

Log 2023-9-24

Sunday 2023-9-24 Calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro +S1-2 6320      17.03     pres. Joey, S7-9, techno disco tracks 6290      17.04     Weekend Music, S5-7, Led Zeppelin - Whole lotta Love, 17.08 id 6210      17.06     King SW, S5-7, rock tracks, 17.12: "King SW - music a-go-go" 6275      17.13     Ronalisa, S5-7, instr. techno, 17.15: M|A|R|R|S - Pump up the Volume, 17.19: "On SW you're listening to Radio Ronalisa", email, instr. polka 5800      17.22     Akenzo, S8-S9+5, Dutch song, 17.24: Akenzo talking, greez to Gunter, rock tracks  5880      17.33     Rock Revolution, S6-8, "Radio Rock Revolution", Bachmann Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing Yet  5140      17.35  ...

Remote with SDRConnect + Videotest

Remote connection between my QTHs has been established using SDRPlay RSP2Pro and SDRConnect. The latter is the new server/client program introduced in August 2023 by SDRPlay:   This is how the client program looks like running in remote mode. Videotest: recorded with OBS Studio, trimmed with Click screenview to enlarge, increase volume to hear properly. 

Log 2023-9-21

Thursday 2023-9-21 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic and negative since 10.30 UTC, currently -4 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Adriatic Sea, Germany, France +S1 6385      16.16     unid, S6-9, brass band polka, id 16.19: "XX , a free radio from the northeast part of the Netherlands", Roy Orbison - California Blue, song: "Baby I want You Baby I love You", 16.25: "XX Radio", Dutch songs, 16.33: id-jingle, Dutch song, cd 16.35-36, Dutch song "Oh Rosie" 6295      16.30     unid, S2-5, occ. ute 6292-95, rock tracks, 16.36: Metallica - Nothing else Matters 6301      16.30     unid, S2-5, rock tracks, 16.39: Rolling Stones - Out of Time G1-peak at 17.30 UTC, Bz: -3 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static hassle and crashes from Bulgaria, Montenegro, Germany, France, Italy + S1-2, MW signals in long and deep fading 5800...

Log 2023-9-20

Wednesday 2023-9-20, sunset 16.30 UTC G1-peaks at 14.30-15 UTC, settling ionosphere, Bz steady: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, Italy, western Mediterranean + S1 6385      16.49     unid, S6-9, Dutch songs and rock, 17.05: Peter Maffay - Du, 16.17: Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone, 30^, 17.19: Rolling Stones - Start me Up, 17.20: covered by ute 6380-6410, in the clear at 18.20, Dutch songs, rock tracks,  18.40: Heino - Mohikana Shalali, Vic Eugster & Sepp Trütsch - Es git kei Schnee in Yokohama, S7-9 G3-G2-G1-peaks at 19-20.30 UTC, Bz steady -1 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, occ. statics +S1, signals in deep fading 1660      18.49     Luka, S4-8, song, thanking Concorde for report, Bob Marley - Is this Love, 18.54: thanking Tamara for report, Beatles - Day Dripper, 19.01: Bellamy Brothers - Let your love Flow, occ.  transmission breaks, rock and blues tracks, id 19.12 1636  ...

Log 2023-9-19

Tuesday 2023-9-19 Ionosphere still stormy after last night's G3-storm, the latest G-peaks: 14-15.30 UTC G1-G2-peaks, 16.30 UTC G4-peak, Bz currently -7 .. +6 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Finland, Estonia, Serbia + S1, SW signals in fast fading 6280      16.56     Avia, S4-6, id, Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole lotta Shaking going On 6300      17.00     Mike, S7-9, Dutch songs, 17.07: id-jingle, Miley Cyrus - Jaded, Dutch songs, 17.24: Alan Parsons Project - Old and Wise, 17.27: Abba - Thank You for the Music, 17.35: Marianne Rosenberg - Ich bin wie du, 17.38: "Mike Mike Mike Radio" 6289      17.39     unid, S4-6, rock, 17.43: parts of  Kim Wilde - Keeping the Dream Alive, 17.47: switch to LSB, 17.48: switch to USB, Wilde continuing, 17.49: switch to LSB, 17.52: switch to USB, Toto - Rosanna, several USB/LSB-switches, cd 17.55 5800      17.58     Akenzo, S6-...

Log 2023-9-18

Monday 2023-9-18 G3-peak at 13.30 UTC, G1-peaks at 15.30-17 UTC, disturbed ionosphere, Bz erratic: -16 .. +15 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Czechia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy +S1-2 1665      16.24     unid, S2-6, polka and waltz songs 1629      17.26     Bluebird, S6-8, other carriers 1630 and 1631, Greek on freq, instr. polka, Dutch songs, e.g. 17.35 song: "Kleine Annabella", "Haili hailo"-polka, 17.42: greez to Dolfin, "Sanja"-tango, at 20.00: S7-S9+10 G1-G2-peaks at 17-19 UTC, Bz: -13 .. +10 nT, disturbed ionosphere > visible aurora borealis at the remote QTH, the first ones for me after several decades, noise: floor MW=S1, ionospheric noise +S1-2, statics +S1-2, signals in deep fading 1647      19.03     Oldtimer, S5-9, Dutch songs, 19.14 song: "Da sprach der alte Häuptling der Indianer", Dutch songs, 19.47: greez 1665    ...

Log 2023-9-17

Sunday 2023-9-17 G1-peaks at 2.30-4 UTC, settling ionosphere, Bz: +4 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, D-layer absorption increasing 6020      07.34     R. Casanova, S4-6, greez to Tony of London, "Maria glaube mir"-song, Jack Jersey - Papa was a poor Man, 7.43: "You will love Radio Casanova, and Radio Casanova loves you", email, 8.10: "This is Radio Casanova International from the Netherlands", Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water, 08.18: Brotherhood Of Man - Save your Kisses for Me, S3-5 5895      07.49     R. Northern Star, S3-5 5930      07.50     World Music R., S4-6 5970      07.58     R.208, S6-8 6130      08.01     R. Europa, S3-5 6380      08.02     unid, S3-5, Christian Anders - Geh nicht vorbei, cd 8.08 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes fro...

Log 2023-9-16

Saturday 2023-9-16 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz negative since 11 UTC, currently fairly steady -5 .. -2 nT, floor SW=S0, static crashes from Serbia, Italy, France, Spain +S1 6380      17.19     unid / Skyline Radio Germany, S6-8, id, rock tracks 6210      17.26     King SW, S5-7, surrounded by occ. utes, id, rock tracks 5880      17.31     Rock Revolution, S5-7, "Radio Rock Revolution, it's only rock and roll" 6295      17.41     Ronalisa, S6-8, "On SW you're listening to Radio Ronalisa", email, 17.42: "We are testing the new audio" G1-peaks at 18.30-19.30 UTC > distorted and weakening signals in fast and deep fading 6275      18.31     Lowland, S5-7, ute on freq, 18.39: English hosting, 18.42: SWCH id, Tammy Wynette - Stand by your Man, 18.45: Lowland id, cd, on again 18.48, in QSO, cd 18.49 6285      18.32    ...

Log 2023-9-15

Friday 2023-9-15 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece +S1-2, 180 meters first opening 6295      16.24     Ronalisa, S3-6, id, greez, rock, 16.28: Kim Wilde - Cambodia, CCR - Fortunate Son, id-jingle 16.33, Loreen - Euphoria, Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow, 16.41: "Good evening, Radio Ronalisa from the Netherlands", Schocking Blue - Never marry a Railroad Man 1620      16.54     King Kong, S2-6 other carriers 1618 and 1619, German yodel polka "Rosmarie", Dutch "Bella Maria"-tango, instr. polka, Dutch songs, 17.23: Frankie Yancovik - Just because Polka, at 18.48: greez to stations, 19.16: greez to Oldtimer, Elvis - Green green Grass of Home, id 19.37, id 21.22, greez, 21.23: "Dit is de radio amateur zender King Kong", S8-S9+5 1638      16.59     Alabama, S2-6, greez to Concorde, rock tracks, 17.08: Backst...

Log 2023-9-14

Thursday 2023-9-14 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz dropping: +7 > -8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, the Ionian Sea, France, Spain, Portugal, Algeria +S1-3 6380      16.50     Mexico, S5-7, ute 6376-79 covering, Dutch and German songs, 17.11: "This is Radio Mexico from Germany, nice of you to listen", email 6290      16.54     Ronalisa, S3-5, ute on freq, "Radio Ronalisa is closing down, soon back from studio 1", cd 16.55-57, rock, instr. polka, S5-7 6320      17.32     unid, S5-7, rock, 17.33 carrier only, cd 1636      17.38     Twentana, S3-6, tango song, waltz song, yodel polka song, 17.45: Rita Pavone - Bene bene bene, 17.46: greez to Frank, instr. polka, 17.47: greez, 17.48: "Je sind verbonden met de Zender Twentana uit Twente, goede avond" 1665      17.51    ...

Log 2023-9-13

Wednesday 2023-9-13 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 15 and 16-16.30 UTC, Bz: -3 .. +5 nT, floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad, Poland, Ukraine, Czechia, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Algeria +S1-3 6290      17.21     unid, S5-7, rock tracks, 17.26: Roxy Music - More than This, more rock tracks, 17.50: Johnny Watson - A real Mother for Ya, Patrick Hernandez - Born to be Alive, George McCrae - Rock your Baby 6270      17.40     unid, S2-4, Dutch version of "Uno tranquillo", Procol Harum - Homburg Unsettled ionosphere, Bz dropping +1 > -5 nT, floor MW=S1, constant and all-covering statics +S1-4, G1-peak at 19 UTC 1620      18.43     Alabama, S6-8, Boney M - Going back West, 18.44: greez to Gerrit, "Dit is de Alabama Zender", polka song, 18.48: Tina Turner - I can't stand the Rain 1629      18.45     un...

Log 2023-9-12

Tuesday 2023-9-12 Stormy ionosphere with several G1-G3-peaks since 12 UTC, the latest at 16-16.30 UTC, G1-peaks: 17 and 18.30-19.30 UTC, floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, Bz steady: -13 .. -9 nT, constant static crashes from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain +S1-2, SW signals in deep and fast fading 6380      16.51     unid, S4-7, instr. polka, Dutch song, 16.55: Smokie - Needles and Pins, rock, country, 17.05: CCR - Commotion, , Les Humphries Singers - Mama Lou, reggae version of "Take a Chance on Me" 6380      18.45     Mexico / Radio 60, S5-8, ids, greez, rock tracks, 18.52: id, Duran Duran - Hungry like the Wolf 1620      18.55     Marianne, S7-9, Dutch songs, 19.01: "Luisteraars, je sind verbonden met de Zender Marianne", greez to Maurits and stations 5810      20.19     Deltracks, S5-9, Exile - Kiss You all Over, rock tracks, id 20.33, ...

Log 2023-9-11

Monday 2023-9-11 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz becoming more erratic: -1 .. +5 > -4 .. +6 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes and hassle from Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Algeria +S1-2, G1-peak at 20.30 UTC 6380      16.39     unid, S2-4, occ. ute 6380-83, Basshunter - Boten Anna, Whitney Houston - I will always love You, rock tracks, still on at 18.00, S4-6 6290      17.36     unid, S5-7, Bellamy Brothers - Let your love Flow, rock tracks  6300      17.40     Mexico / Radio 60, S5-7, occ. ute 6300-02, Manfred Mann - Ha ha said the Clown, rock, German song, instr. polka, 17.51: ids, at 19.00: S7-9 6373      17.43     Misti, S4-6, 17.45: "Hello, this is Misti Radio", greez to chat 6382      18.56     Misti, S5-7, greez to Rainer, Panda, "This is Misti Radio", German song cavalcade 5810    ...

Log 2023-9-10

Sunday 2023-9-10 , sunset 17 UTC Calm ionosphere, MDI=0.01-0.02 nT/s, Bz erratic: -3 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW= S1, constant static crashes and hassle from the North Sea, Wales, England, Ireland, Spain, Algeria +S1-2, increased ionospheric disturbances 20 UTC onwards 5800     16.54     ContiKenzo, S5-7, off-shore tune, 16.57: "Test, hello, 1,2", id, greez to Achim, "Listeners all over Europe, you're listening to the pirate station ContiKenzo", at 18.50: Modern Talking - Geronimo's Cadillac, S6-8 6295      17.03     pres. Joey, S5-7, ute on freq, Bon Jovi - Runaway, rock tracks, at 18.38: S6-8 6210      17.07     pres. King SW, S3-5, surrounded by utes, rock tracks 6260      17.27     Mi Amigo, S5-7, 6250 Echo of Hope + jamming splashing, occ. ute 6253-6263, 17.30 id, Equals - Baby come Back, Bobby Fuller Four - I fought the Law (and the Law Won), Chicory T...

Log 2023-9-9

Saturday 2023-9-9 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +5 nT, settling to 0.. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static hassle from Türkiye, central Mediterranean, England, the English Channel, Bay of Biscay, France, Spain +S1 6380      16.39     Mexico / Radio 60, S5-7, German and Dutch song, 16.44: Pink Floyd - Time, Dutch songs, 16.58: part of Dutch version of "El Paso", 16.59-17.00 interval signal, Hot Butter - Popcorn, 17.03: "Radio 60 here, hello Europe, with Mexico Radio", greez to Achim, Repeater, Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Tijuana Taxi, at 18.10: S7-9 6210      17.10     King SW, S4-6, rock tracks, 17.13: id-jingle, 18.13: id-jingle, S5-7 6955      18.14     Voyager, S5-7, classical and jazz tracks 5800      18.24     ContiKenzo, S7-9, ute 5795-98, rock, 18.27: greez, Continental talking, Dutch song : "My Lady Sunshine", Patrick Hernand...


Friday 2023-9-8 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. -2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, central Mediterranean +S1 6380      16.21     Mexico ? / Skyline Radio Germany, S6-8, ute 6375-80, instr. rock, German hosting, 16.23: id-jingle, hard rock version of "Jesus He knows Me", song: "We don't need another Hero", 16.29-: Dutch and German song, rock tracks, 16.41: Mo-Do - Eins Zwei Polizei, cd 16.48 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz suddenly increasing: -5 > +7 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, central Mediterranean, Spain, 180 meters first opening 6290      18.09     pres. Joey, S5-7, techno disco tracks, 18.15: talking, carrier only, 18.16: rap track, 18.17: greez to UKDXer and Tomas 1635      18.20     Bonanza, S4-7, Bonanza theme mx, instr. "Mendocino", pirate polka, 18.24: "Zender Bonanza ... met een kleine test", greez , Dutch songs, 18.3...

Log 2023-9-7

Thursday 2023-9-7 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Türkiye, the Ionian Sea +S1 6400      17.48     Mexico / Radio 60, S6-8, occ. amateurs on freq, instr. polka, instr. techno, 18.50: Radio 60 id, "Hello Europe", 18.51: Radio Mexico id, live hosting, greez to Misti, Achim and others, 18.53: Fleetwood Mac - Yesterday's Gone, 18.56-57: ute on freq covering, 18.00: Bee Gees - Spicks and Specks 1629      18.07     Bluebird, S5-8, Dutch and German songs, rock, 18.19: Pussycat - Georgie, instr. polka, 18.27: greez to Paul, Dutch version of "My little Lady", at 18.50: S7-9, 20.00: Heino - Treue Bergvagabunden, S8-S9+5, Greek on freq 1665      18.13     unid, S4-7, John Fogerty - The old Man down the Road, Dutch and German songs, polkas, 18.28: German version of "I'm gonna knock on your Door" 1638      18.20     unid, ...

Log 2023-9-6

Wednesday 2023-9-6 G1-peak at 14 UTC, settling ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle from Greece, the Ionian Sea +S1, increased ionospheric disturbances 20 UTC onwards 6380      16.37     Mexico, S5-7, ute 6374-79, German songs, 16.43: "Send an email to Radio Mexico", email, 16.46: German version of "Sun of Jamaica", German version of Pussycat - Georgie 5880      19.33     Rock Revolution, S4-6, Beatles - Hey Jude 1625      19.39     Zwarte Boekanier, S4-8, other Dutch on freq, Dutch songs, Emmylou Harris - The green rolling Hills of West Virginia, German song, id 19.50, 20.35: thanking for reports from England and Sweden, email, cd-ann., Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, cd 20.37 1631      19.42     Blauwe Fazant, S3-6, 1625 splashes occ. covering, Blue Swede - Hooked on a Feeling, CCR - I put a Spell on You, id 19.51 in...

Log 2023-9-5

Tuesday 2023-9-5 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peak at 15.30 UTC, G1-G2-G1-peaks at 16.30-17.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -8 .. +9 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Türkiye, Greece, the Ionian Sea, SW signals in fast fading 5140      18.12     Charleston, S3-6 6280      18.29     unid, S3-6, occ. amateurs on freq, rock track, 18.34 song from West Side Story: "I want to live in America", played twice: Rolling Stones - House of the rising Sun, 18.46:CCR - Have You ever seen the Rain, 18.57: Eagles - Hotel California 6380      18.52     unid, S3-6, Dutch song, 18.53: Edina Pop - Komm komm zu mir, Dutch and German songs Disturbed ionosphere, Bz erratic: -9 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes +S1, distorted 180 meter signals 1665      19.01     Josje Power, S5-7, Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence, Leonard Cohen - Suzanne, 19.07: ...

Log 2023-9-4

Monday 2023-9-4 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Russia, the Black Sea, Türkiye, Greece, Spain +S1, G1-peak at 17.30 UTC 6380      16.51     Mexico, S4-6, other carrier 6378, occ. ute 6381-83, German songs, 17.01: Costa Cordalis - Anita, 17.15: Heino - Die schwarze Barbara, 18.56: "This is Radio Mexico from Germany", email, S6-9 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, MW=S1, constant statics +S1 5880      19.07     Rock Revolution, S4-7, occ. ute 5880-83, id-jingle 5140      19.09     Charleston, S3-6 1620      19.11     Alabama, S6-9, other carrier on freq, Racey - Lay your Love on Me, rock and R&R tracks, 19.17: Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - I won't back Down, 19.50: QSO Alcapone 1629      19.12     Bluebird, S7-S9+5, instr. polka, Dutch songs, polkas, id 19.26 1639...

Log 2023-9-3

Sunday 2023-9-3 Stormy ionosphere, G1-peaks at 14.30 and 17 UTC, Bz negative since 7 UTC, currently -3 .. -3 nT, floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina +S1-3, signals in fast fading 6305      17.24     Ronalisa, S3-6, occ. Russian anns. on freq, occ. ute 6300-05, instr. mx tracks,  28: greez to Gino of Italy, 17.29: id, pirate versio of "La paloma blanca" = "Ronalisa, de echte piraat", Shadows mx 6270      17.38     Ronalisa, S3-6, greez to Paul, rock tracks, 17.46: German song "Veronica", 17.47 greez, German song, 17.51: Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady, rock tracks, 17.57: instr.polka, 17.59: id, cd-ann., cd 6210      17.52     King SW, S2-5, surrounded by utes, id 6380      17.58     unid, s/on, S4-7, techno disco tracks, 19.25: S5-8, ass. Joey 6290      18.06    ...

Log 2023-9-2

Saturday 2023-9-2 All-night and -day G1-G2-peaks, the latest G1's at 12-13, 15.30-16.30 UTC, G1-G2-G4-G3-G1-peaks at 17.30-19 UTC, stormy ionosphere, Bz currently -5 .. +3 nT, constant static crashes from Finland, Russia, Sweden, Türkiye + S1-2, distorted signals in fast fading 6210      17.18     King SW, S2-4, 17.20: "King SW", rock tracks 6290      17.34     unid / Weekend Music, S2-4, id, hosting, Bad Company - Feel like makin' Love , at 18.10: S4-6 6380      17.40     unid, S4-6, country mx, instr. techno disco, 17.44-46 carrier only, song, 17.48: Dutch version of "Rhinestone Cowboy", German and Dutch songs, instr. techno disco, ass. Mexico 6320      18.01     Joey, S5-7, avant rock, 18.07: Tears For Fears - Everybody wants to rule the World, Men At Work - Land down Under, id 20.08 6270      18.13     Lowland, S4-6, Status Q...

Log 2023-9-1

Friday 2023-9-1 The identifications list of pirate radio broadcasts which have been receivable at my remote QTH during  the last twelve months, September 2022 - August 2023, and  for 3/2023 - 8/2023 a comparison between the previous years' numbers: Disturbed ionosphere < S1 solar radiation storm since 5 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Russia, Ukraine +S1-3 6380      17.02     pres. Mexico, S5-7, occ. ute 6375-80 and 6380-83, "Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts", instr. polkas 6290      17.09     VOTN, S5-7, Timi Yuro - What's a Matter Baby (is It hurting You), German rock, 17.14: Take That - Relight my Fire, Steve Miller Band - The Joker, 17.23: Fleetwood Mac - Albatross, Goombay Dance Band - Sun of Jamaica, 17.32-33 carrier only, Santa Esmeralda - Don't let me be Misunderstood,      U2 - One, 17.38: "Di...

ID list 09/2022-8/2023 + Log 2023-8-31

Thursday 2023-8-31 The identifications list of pirate radio broadcasts which have been receivable at my remote QTH during the last twelve months, September 2022 - August 2023, and  for 3/2023 - 8/2023 a comparison between the previous years' numbers: Log 2023-8-31 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia +S1-3 6380      18.00     VOTN, S5-7, rock tracks, 18.07: Rolling Stones - It's all over Now, 18.14: Milk Inc. - Walk on Water, 18.25: "This is The Voice Of The Netherlands, test transmission, this is The Voice, very good evening", cd 18.31 1660      18.35     Studio 19, S2-6, Greek on freq, Alannah Myles - Black Velvet, Bread - The Guitar Man, Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London, 18.46: talk in the statics, rock tracks, 18.55: greez, id in the statics: "...