Log 2023-9-12
Tuesday 2023-9-12
Stormy ionosphere with several G1-G3-peaks since 12 UTC, the latest at 16-16.30 UTC, G1-peaks: 17 and 18.30-19.30 UTC, floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, Bz steady: -13 .. -9 nT, constant static crashes from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain +S1-2, SW signals in deep and fast fading
6380 16.51 unid, S4-7, instr. polka, Dutch song, 16.55: Smokie - Needles and Pins, rock, country, 17.05: CCR - Commotion, , Les Humphries Singers - Mama Lou, reggae version of "Take a Chance on Me"
6380 18.45 Mexico / Radio 60, S5-8, ids, greez, rock tracks, 18.52: id, Duran Duran - Hungry like the Wolf
1620 18.55 Marianne, S7-9, Dutch songs, 19.01: "Luisteraars, je sind verbonden met de Zender Marianne", greez to Maurits and stations
5810 20.19 Deltracks, S5-9, Exile - Kiss You all Over, rock tracks, id 20.33, Queen - I want to break Free
Receiving Deltracks in G2-storm and static crash conditions, 2023-9-12, 20.35 UTC
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