Log 2023-9-11
Monday 2023-9-11
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz becoming more erratic: -1 .. +5 > -4 .. +6 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes and hassle from Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Algeria +S1-2, G1-peak at 20.30 UTC
6380 16.39 unid, S2-4, occ. ute 6380-83, Basshunter - Boten Anna, Whitney Houston - I will always love You, rock tracks, still on at 18.00, S4-6
6290 17.36 unid, S5-7, Bellamy Brothers - Let your love Flow, rock tracks
6300 17.40 Mexico / Radio 60, S5-7, occ. ute 6300-02, Manfred Mann - Ha ha said the Clown, rock, German song, instr. polka, 17.51: ids, at 19.00: S7-9
6373 17.43 Misti, S4-6, 17.45: "Hello, this is Misti Radio", greez to chat
6382 18.56 Misti, S5-7, greez to Rainer, Panda, "This is Misti Radio", German song cavalcade
5810 19.07 pres. Deltracks, S5-7, ute 5811-14, rock
5880 19.12 pres. Rock Revolution, ute 5880-83, rock
5140 19.15 Charleston, S5-7
1647 19.16 Oldtimer, S6-8, Dutch songs, id 19.39, greez to stations
1629 19.18 Bluebird, S7-9, talking
1640 19.19 Markonist, S6-8, Greek on freq, songs, polkas, 19.25: id, greez to Alf, QSO Bluebird, Oldtimer
1619 19.43 Digital, s/on, S5-7, instr. and vocal polkas, 19.56: instr. R&R, 19.59: instr. "Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg", 20.02: id, greez, big band rock, 20.03: greez to Alf and others, "Het leven is te kort om de trören"-waltz, cd 20.08
1620 20.51 unid, S4-6, Dutch songs, 20.55: "Piraat op de radio"-song
1648 20.58 Pereboom, S7-9, jazz version of the Bonanza theme, 21.00: partly played German song - record player getting stuck, 21.02: partly played Gus Backus - Da sprach der alte Häuptling der Indianer, id 21.03, QSO Oldtimer
1635 21.21 unid, S6-9, techno version of "Popcorn", "Cuckoo Waltz", 21.25: greez, cd-ann., brass band polka
1620 21.35 unid, S4-6, songs: "Snoopy", "The Locomotion"
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