Log 2023-9-28
Thursday 2023-9-28
Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S1, floor MW=S2, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, fading and noise levels up for some reason
6295 15.49 unid, S4-6, ute 6295-98, Chaka Khan - I feel for You, 15.52 moved to 6290, ute 6289-92, instr. polka, 15.55: Dave Edmunds - I hear You Knocking, rock tracks, polkas
5810 16.56 Deltracks, S3-5, ute on freq, Alice Cooper - School's Out, id
1638 17.03 unid, S3-5, Johnny Cash - Orange Blossom Special
1629 17.07 unid / Mi Amigo France , S3-6, Dutch songs, 17.10 moved to 1630, 17.15: "Emission Radio Mi Amigo France", rock tracks, Dutch and German songs
1620 17.08 unid, S2-5, Dutch and German songs
1647 17.13 unid, S2-5, rock and country tracks, 17.24: Ivy League - Tossing and Turning, 17.26 talking
6330 17.32 Monique, S5-7, Paul McCartney- Hope of Deliverance, 17.34: greez to Misti, UKDXer and others, Simple Minds - Don't You (forget about Me), at 18.50: S7-9
6275 18.06 Deltracks, S4-7, ute on freq, French song, R&R version of "We'll meet Again", R&R and rock tracks, 18.24: Queen - Another One bites the Dust, 18.27 moved to 6280, 18.32: "Retro Hits"
6270 18.07 unid, S4-7, ute on freq, Eurythmics - Love is a Stranger, Pat Benatar - Love is a Battlefield, "Dit is XX ..", phone number, 18.20: Golden Earring - Radar Love, polka song, John Fogerty - Big Train, 18.26: "Studio XX", 18.28: Juice Newton - Queen of Hearts, rock tracks, cd 18.45
6300 18.21 unid, S3-6, amateurs on freq, instr. polka, 18.23: "Hello hello test test", instr. polka, 18.24: "XX, goede avond", brass band polka, 18.30: id-jingle, "Luisteraars, dit is Radio XX", instr. polkas, German songs, 18.48: instr. "Chicken Dance", instr. polkas
1620 19.00 Twentana, S3-6, Dutch waltz song, id 19.01, cd 19.08
1640 19.01 Marskramer, S3-6, occ. 25 kHz wide audio, songs: "Quantanamera", "Sugar Sugar Baby", songs, rock tracks, polkas, waltzes, 20.18: talking, id 20.49
1662 19.04 Vrolijke Mijnwerker, S3-6, instr. polkas only, id 19.32, greez
1620 19.10 Zorro, s/on, S4-7, "What a Baby"-polka, 19.11: id, QSO Twentana, Dutch and German songs
1630 19.13 Barones, S5-8, 10CC - Wall Street Shuffle, Dutch song, 19.18: "Power to knock your socks off, this is Radio Barones", Schocking Blue - Never marry a Railroad Man, Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky
5880 20.33 Rock Revolution, S4-7, ute 5880-83, Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal im Sperrbezirk, 20.39: "Rock Revolution, Radio Rock Revolution", Rod Stewart - You wear it Well
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