Log 2023-9-27
Wednesday 2023-9-27
Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 13.30-14 UTC, Bz erratic: -3 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Türkiye, Greece, the Ionian Sea
1620 17.37 King Kong, S3-5, instr. polka, greez to Maurits, cd 17.38
G1-peak at 18 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, occ. statics +S1, distorted signals in deep fading
1621 19.01 Turftrekker, S4-9, ute 1621-24, Deep Purple - Black Night, 19.06: DÖF - Codo (Ich düse, düse im Sauseschritt), 19.18: Hollies - Jennifer Eccles, Bangles - Eternal Flame, Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, John Lennon - Gimme some Truth, 19.31: id, phone number
1929 19.02 Spakenburg, S4-9, 1621 splashing, German and Dutch song, 19.07: Who - Pinnball Wizard, 19.12: greez, 19.16: greez to Maurits, 19.22: greez to Casablanca of Emmen, 19.30: Nena - Leuchtturm, 19.36: Jim Reeves - Bimbo, Xanadu - Alle macht den Träumen, 19.43: id
1644 19.04 unid, S3-8, instr. polka, Dutch song, instr. polka, 19.11: greez to stations, "XX Studio", cd 19.14
5140 20.14 Charleston, S3-6, "This is CRI, we broadcast on 5140 kcs in the 60 meter band"
5880 20.17 Rock Revolution, S2-5, id-jingle
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