ID list 09/2022-8/2023 + Log 2023-8-31

Thursday 2023-8-31

The identifications list of pirate radio broadcasts which have been receivable at my remote QTH during the last twelve months, September 2022 - August 2023, and  for 3/2023 - 8/2023 a comparison between the previous years' numbers:

Log 2023-8-31

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia +S1-3

6380      18.00     VOTN, S5-7, rock tracks, 18.07: Rolling Stones - It's all over Now, 18.14: Milk Inc. - Walk on Water, 18.25: "This is The Voice Of The Netherlands, test transmission, this is The Voice, very good evening", cd 18.31

1660      18.35     Studio 19, S2-6, Greek on freq, Alannah Myles - Black Velvet, Bread - The Guitar Man, Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London, 18.46: talk in the statics, rock tracks, 18.55: greez, id in the statics: "XX uit Achterhoek"?, 18.57: "Studio 19"

1640      18.36     Marskramer, S3-7, Dutch country song, Dutch songs, 18.45: greez, id, at 21.00: id, greez to David, S7-9

1631      19.04     Delfzijl, S5-8, other carrier 1630, Cats - Country Woman, 19.11: Lorne Greene - Ringo, Connie Francis & Hank Williams Jr. - Send me the Pillow that You dream On, Beach Boys - Barbara Ann, BZN - Just an Illusion, Hawaii guitar polka, "Klokken luiden"-waltz, 19.44: Beatles - Ticket to Ride, 21.04: "Dit is de Radio Delfzijl, goede avond", cd, 21.11: instr. polka, QSO Wilskracht

1647      19.13     unid, S3-6, 1640 occ. splashing, Dutch song, 19.14-26 cd, Koto -Dragon's Legend, instr. R&R, clarinet+band polka, parts of: instr. "Elizabeth Serenade", instr. techno, clarinet+band polka, 19.45: German version of "You're my Heart You're my Soul", instr. techno, song: "Gina Gina", cd

1621      19.24     unid, S3-6, other carrier 1620, Dutch songs, polkas, cd 19.54

5880      19.57     Rock Revolution, S4-6, Guess Who - American Woman, 20.01: id-jingle

1626      20.10     unid, S5-8, 1631 splashing, Frida - I know there's Something going On, cd 20.12

1620      20.13     unid, S3-6, Greek on freq, Dutch songs

1620      20.56     Zwarte Boer S6-8, instr. polkas, 20.59: "De Zwarte Boer uit Twente experimentelle", polkas, 21.14: "The Blue Skirt Waltz"

1653      20.57     Vrolijke Mijnwerker, S7-9, Dutch song, id 20.58, greez, id

1631      21.06     Wilskracht, S6-8, Greek 1630, Hawaii guitar polka, QSO Delfzijl


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