Log 2023-7-17
Monday 2023-7-17
Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 18.30-19.30 UTC and 20.30-21 UTC Bz steady: -6 .. -5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Austria, Slovenia, Germany +S1-3
6270 19.49 unid / Skyline Radio Germany, S6-8, Cult - Rain, 19.51: id, Bad Company - Can't get enough of your Love
6285 19.56 unid / Weekend Music, S6-8, "It's Friday the 14:th of July", 19.58: Carly Simon - You're so Vain
6960 20.13 unid, S5-7, instr. big band mx tracks, e.g. 20.13: The Godfather Love Theme, next: Morris Albert's "Feelings", ass. Zeppelin
1617 20.22 unid, S9-S9+10, Max Werner - Rain in May, rock, instr. Can Can dance, 20.31: Hot Butter - Popcorn, 20.54: talking, cd
1629 20.35 unid, S7-9, 20.37: talking in the statics, Dorthe - Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg, 20.43: Rolling Stones - Honky tonk Women, Kerstin Ott - Die immer lacht, 20.49: greez, cd-ann., 20.52: Ivy League - Tossing and Turning, German polka, 20.57-59 carrier only, part of Temptations - Papa was a rolling Stone, Dutch version of "Fröken fräken ifrån fryken"
1638 20.39 unid, S9-S9+10, march mx, Dutch songs, 20.45: Chicory Tip - Son of my Father, Dutch songs
1648 20.40 Pereboom, S7-9, Dutch and German songs, polkas, id 21.03
1665 20.48 unid, S8-S9+5, greez to Martin, song: "Kleine Lorelei", 20.50: greez to UKDXer
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