Log 2023-5-26
Friday 2023-5-26
Calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes and hassle from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania +S1-2, sunset 19.25 UTC
6270 17.47 Mexico, S4-6, Smokie - I'll meet You at Midnight, Wencke Myhre - Er hat ein knallrotes Gummiboot, 17.50: "Radio Mexico aus norden Deutschland", pirate polka, 18.28: Smokie - Living next Door to Alice, greez to England, Panda, song: "Sonja", cd 18.34, S5-7
6315 17.53 unid, S3-5, Ace - How Long, cd 17.55
6295 17.56 unid / Weekend Music, S3-5, rock, 18.00: hosting, 18.06: "We are Weekend Music Radio", at 18.35: S4-6, at 20.20: Eagles - The last Resort, S7-9
6207 18.06 unid, S3-6, covered by occ. ute 6207-11, mx, cd 18.07-10, parts of rock + carrier only, cd 18.11
5800 18.12 Deltracks, S2-4, id-jingle in the statics, America - Horse with no Name, 18.38: Fleetwood Mac - Go your own Way, id-jingle, S3-5, 20.31: "Dit is Deltracks", S5-7
Calm ionosphere, Bz dropping, currently -3 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant statics from Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, +S1-2
6275 19.27 unid, S3-6, German song, 18.29: Rammstein rock, 19.40: Rick James - Super Freak, 19.43-47 carrier only, R&R tracks, 19.57-59 carrier only, parts of Abba songs, carrier only, 20.07: Abba - Ring Ring, Dutch song, German songs
6310 19.35 unid, S3-6, 6312 occ. fax, Hank The Knife & The Jets - Guitar King, 19.37 carrier only, cd 19.38
6205 19.44 unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6205-08, Heart - Barracuda, song: "Oh my sweet Love", Sniff 'n Tears - Driver's Seat, Fischer Z - So Long, 20.01: Demis Roussos' song, Dizzy Man's Band - The Opera, cd 20.11
5880 20.26 Rock Revolution, S5-7, Oasis - Wanderwall
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