Log 2023-6-10
Saturday 2023-6-10
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, France, England +S1-2
6280 18.14 Lowland, S4-6, amateurs 6282, rock tracks in the statics, 18.19: ELO - Rock n' Roll Is King, 19.18: Whitney Houston - One Moment in Time, Scooter - Hyper Hyper, Jermaine Jackson - Do what You Do, "This is Radio Lowland, from somewhere in the Netherlands, send your report to SWCH", S6-8
6955 19.10 Enterprise, S4-6, occ. ute 6953-58, rock tracks, 19.12: "This is Enterprise Radio - music from the space", email, SSTV, 19.44: Star Trek id-jingle, SSTV, S5-7
5800 19.48 pres. Deltracks, S3-5, Thin Lizzy - Whiskey in the Jar, rock tracks, cd 20.01
6295 20.01 unid / Weekend Music, S5-7, Joe Fagin That's livin' Alright, hosting, id, 21.19: Golden Earring - Radar Love, S7-9
6385 20.04 Joey, S6-8, Abba - The Name of the Game, "Music from Abba, good evening people, you're listening to Radio Joey", Jane Birkin et Serge Gainsbourg - Je T'aime, 20.13: Tokens - The Lion sleeps Tonight, S7-9
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz calming: -1 ..0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes and hassle from Ukraine, central Mediterranean, France, Spain +S1-3
5880 21.25 Rock Revolution, S5-7, id-jingle
5140 21.28 Charleston, S6-8, "Funiculi funicala"-song, 21.31: "CRI presents The Roaring 20's"
1621 21.32 Turftrekker, S7-9, talking, Dutch songs, rock
1637 21.33 unid, S5-7, 1630 and 1640 Greeks splashing, Dutch songs, 21.39 cd
1642 21.37 unid, s/on, S6-8, 1640 Greek splashing, "Zeeman oh zeeman"-waltz, tango song, polka and waltz songs, cd 21.53
1655 21.47 Monte Carlo, S6-8, 1660 Greek splashing, "Dit is Monte Carlo Radio met een paar platjes", greez to Vonkenboer, Eigen Risico, 21.56: Patrick Hernandez - Born to be Alive
1642 21.56 Vrolijke Mijnwerker, s/on, S7-9, 1640 Greek splashing, Dutch songs, 22.03: Olivia Newton-John song, 22.06: Ten Sharp - You, 22.14: Pussycat - Mississippi, id 22.15, greez, Pussycat continuing
1655 22.21 Noordzee, S7-9, QSO Monte Carlo, Mijnwerker, "Dit is de Noordzee Zender" "Mami en Papi"-song, "Susanna meisje uit Havanna"-polka, cd 22.25
5800 22.28 unid, S6-9, Dutch disco version of "Ever lasting Love", "Rode rozen"-polka, Dutch songs
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