Log 2023-6-12
Monday 2023-6-12
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Algeria, Italy, France, Spain +S1-2
1638 20.23 Bluebird, S6-9, instr. polka, "Zo is mijn Rosmarie alleen"-song, yodel polka, Dutch songs, 20.35: greez, " .. aan de micro is Luppo", at 21.50: S8-S9+5
5880 20.37 Rock Revolution, S4-6, rock tracks in the statics
5140 20.43 Charleston, S5-7, oldies in the statics
6931 20.48 pres. Indy, S3-5, mx in the statics
1647 20.50 unid / Pacman, S5-8, Eddie Cochran - Summertime Blues, id-jingle in the statics, Middle Of The Road - Sacramento, 20.56: "Reports can be sent to:", email, 20.59: R. North Sea recording, 21.00: T. Rex - Get It On, "You're listening to Radio Pacman", instr. polka, 21.09: carrier only, cd 21.10, S6-9
1660 21.11 Studio 19, S5-8, Greek on freq, Michael Jackson - Can You feel It, 21.12: id covered by the Greek, rock tracks, 21.15: "Dit is Studio 19"
1647 21.18 unid / Pacman, S6-9, "Music music music - you hear in The Pacman Show", 21.25: "100 years of broadcasting in the Netherlands, brought to you by Radio Pacman", CCR - Oh lonesome Me, Frankie Laine - Rawhide, 21.31: "It is now time to hear an old and good polka", instr. polka, cd 21.42
1646 21.43 Monte Carlo, S6-9, id, in QSO for the Packman Show, Patrick Hernandez - Born to be Alive, cd 21.46
1674 21.46 Noordzee, S6-9, occ. Greek 1673, Dutch songs, 21.48: greez to stations, id
1611 21.53 Augusta, S6-9, 1602 R. Tsentr. splashing, Johnny Logan - What's another Year, hosting, CCR - Up around the Bend
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