Log 2023-6-13
Tuesday 2023-6-13
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: 0 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Italy, western Mediterranean, Algeria, France, Spain +S1-2
6290 19.36 unid, S3-5, "Ai ai ai ai"-polka, songs and rock covered by the statics, 19.45: Marshall Hain - Dancing in the City, 20.05 song: "Guardian Angel"
5140 20.10 Charleston, S4-6
1620 20.15 unid, S5-7, accordion polka, 20.18: "Marion"-polka, Dutch songs
1670 20.15 Technische Man, S4-6, waltz songs, disco tracks, 20.22: "Dit is de Technische Man experimentelle", at 21.30: Andrea Berg - Du hast mich tausendmal belogen, 21.32: "Luisteraars, je luistert naar de Technische Man", greez to Martin, S7-9
1638 20.17 Admiraal, S4-6, song: "Hello Mary Lou", rock, id 20.23, 20.24: "This is Admiraal 1, a very good evening from this side"
1634 21.11 unid, S4-6, 1629 splashing, Dutch rock, 21.13: Golden Earring - Another 25 Miles, Pussycat - Hey Joe, instr. R&R, cd 21.29
1629 21.22 Noordzee, S6-8, other carrier 1627, Dutch songs, 21.27 id, QSO Monte Carlo
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