Log 2023-6-17

Saturday 2023-6-17

Unsettled ionosphere after last night's and today's G1-storm, Bz: -2 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Finland  +S1

6270      17.33     unid, S3-5, ute 6265-75 occ. covering, instr. country polka, big band polka, German and Dutch songs, 17.44: Dorthe - Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg, Silvia Swart - Bye bye tot morgen, 17.54 song: "Hula hula hula la la la la", then totally covered by the ute

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Türkiye, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Spain, Wales, Ireland +S1-3

6280      19.06     Lowland, S5-7, occ. ute 6275-78, Elton John - Nikita, 19.15: Prince - The most beautiful Girl in the World, 19.19: Dutch rock, 19.29: "Radio Lowland testing with 50 % power for the 1:st of July SWCH barbeque"

6320      19.23     Joey, S6-8, occ. ute 6320-23, id-jingles, rock tracks, Dutch songs, e.g. 19.40 Dutch version of "Fröken fräken ifrån fryken", Elvis - Suspicious Minds, Gaby Berger - Du bist nicht der Weihnachtsmann, at 21.50: S7-9

6290      19.37     unid / Weekend Music, S5-7, going through listener contacts and reports, id, email, 19.39: Free - Travellin' in Style, at 21.50: S7-9

5800      19.55     unid, S4-6, occ. ute 5785-5800, rock tracks in the statics, 19.57: talk and id in the statics, 20.01: talk in the statics, 20.02: Classics - My Lady of Spain

G2-G1-peaks at 20-20.30 UTC, Bz dropping: -3 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Russia, Türkiye, Romania, Spain, France, Wales, Ireland +S1-2, MW signals deteriorating, SW signals in fast fading

1655      20.55     Yogi, S7-9, greez to France, "Good evening this is Radio Yogi Bear from the north coast of the Netherlands met Doctor Einstein", Sniff 'n Tears - Driver's Seat

1648      20.59     Moby Dick, S5-8, 1655 splashing, "Op de mooie warme nacht, senorita"-song, Dutch songs, rock, 21.12 song: "Alle mooie dromen", 21.21: Cat meowing polka, id 21.42

1627      21.29     Blauwe Koe, S7-9,  Los Alegres - Yes I do like your Bermuda, PhD - I won't let You Down, Elton John - Border Song, 21.47: "This is the Blue Cow on 1627", greez

1619      21.39     unid, S5-7, Dutch version of "Seemann deine Heimat ist das Meer", 21.42: moved to 1638, same song continuing, Dutch and German songs, 22.03: Nockalm Quintett - Jenny Jenny, cd 22.11

5880      21.52     Rock Revolution, S5-7, 21.57: "Radio Rock Revolution"

5140      21.59     Charleston, S6-8, id 22.01, "Be sure to join us tomorrow night"

1668      22.09     Monte Carlo, S7-9, in QSO, Dire Straits - Walk of Life


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