Log 2023-6-29
Thursday 2023-6-29
Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peak at 17.30 UTC, Bz negative all day long, currently -5 .. -3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine +S1-3
6290 18.37 unid, S3-5, Tina Turner - Steamy Windows, Status Quo - Rockin' all over the World, ZZ Top - Sharp dressed Man, 18.48: Chris Rea - The Road to Hell, Bryan Ferry - Let's stick Together, 18.58: Beach Boys - California Girls, 19.03: Ike & Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limit, 30^, Queen - Killer Queen, S5-7
6960 19.08 pres. Zeppelin, S4-6, Greek rock tracks
6280 19.26 Deltracks, S4-6, Feargal Sharkey - Never Never (It never happens to Me), 19.31: "Retro Hits", Toto -Africa
G1-peaks at 19, 20 and 21 UTC, disturbed ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. -2 nT, ionospheric rattles: floor MW=S2, floor SW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Ukraine, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain + S1-2, all signals in fast fading
1629 20.23 Marskramer, S5-7, greez, "Dit is de Marskramer, goede dag", at 21.51: cd-ann., polka song, cd 21.54, carrier only, S8-S9+5
1640 20.30 unid, S3-5, "Dit is de XX", Dutch songs, 20.38: Status Quo - Whatever you Want, 20.41: id in the disturbances, big band polka
1665 20.35 unid, S3-5, 1660 Greek splashing, polka songs
6294 21.41 unid, S6-9, Black - Wonderful Life, instr. "Johnny Guitar", 21.47 cd
5880 21.48 Rock Revolution, S4-7
5140 21.50 Charleston, S5-8
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