Log 2023-6-8
Thursday 2023-6-8, sunset 19.50 UTC
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz steady: 0 .. +2 nT, floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Türkiye, Serbia, Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Algeria, Marocco +S1-2
6294,5 18.23 unid / Weekend Music, S3-5, occ. ute 6285-95, rock, 18.25: multilingual ids, 18.35: Diana Ross - My old Piano, 18.40: Desireless - Voyage Voyage
1638 19.46 Bluebird, S5-8, Dutch version of "Callow la Vita" = "Zomer en Winter", "In Acapulco"-song, 19.54: greez , at 21.35: S9-S9+10
1620 19.57 Delfzijl, S2-6, Greek on freq occ. covering, Dutch song, 20.00: "Blonde haar en blauwe ogen", Dutch and German polkas, 20.22: greez, id 20.24
1629 20.05 Marskramer, S2-6, Dutch song, 20.07: "Dans met mij Rosalie"-waltz, 20.11: "This is Marskramer Radio from the north coast of the Netherlands", at 21.35: S7-9
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