ID list 9/2022-8/2023 + Log 2023-8-30

The identifications list of pirate radio broadcasts which have been receivable at my remote QTH during

the last twelve months, September 2022 - August 2023, and  for 3/2023 - 8/2023 a comparison between

 the previous years' numbers: 

Log 2023-8-30

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz dropping +5 >-5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Adriatic Sea +S1-4

6300      17.26     Misti, S4-6, occ. ute 6297-6300, Roy Orbison - Ooby Dooby, Elvis - That's all right Mama, id 17.29, greez, more R&R tracks, 17.35: greez to Ray, id

6380      18.31     Mexico / Hitmix, S6-8, German and Dutch songs, 18.55: Sandra - In the Heat of the Night, 30^, 19.11: Abba - Dancing Queen, 19.13: "Thanks for listening to this small radio station", 19.15 id and relayer id, Albert Hammond - Free electric Band, at 19.58: Clout - Substitute, S7-9

Extremely poor MW conditions

This evening the 180 meter signals are not listenable due to constant and all-covering static crashes. At 19.05-19.10 UTC there were stations on 1620, 1637, 1646 and 1665. Now at 20.15 UTC 1620 and 1665 are still on, but their audio is completely covered by the statics. 


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