Log 2023-8-11
Friday 2023-8-11
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +7 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Finland, Russia, Ukraine +S1-2
6290 17.30 unid, unassessable, ute 6285-6315 covering, techno disco tracks, 18.42: techno version of song "Send me an Angel", S6-8, occ. covered by ute 6285-6315, ass. Joey
6208 17.37 Zanzibar, S3-5, surrounded by utes, mx, cd 17.40, on again 18.49: Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer, greez, id, S4-6, surrounded by occ. utes, 19.00 id, Billy Joe Royal - Down in the Boondocks, 19.02: cd-ann, cd 19.03, S5-7
6270 17.42 Mexico / Hitmix, unassessable, ute on freq covering, big band waltz, instr. "Ghost Riders in the Sky", instr. R&R, polka, 17.51: Mexico id-jingle, 18.52: Mexico id, ute on freq, accordion+band polka, 18.54: "You're listening to Hitmix Radio", email, S5-7, ute on freq, 20.02: Hitmix id, "This free radio is now closing down ...", cd 20.03
6943 18.30 Enterprise, S4-6, 6245 occ. Russian numbers, dance version of "Sweet Dreams", 18.33: "Music from the space - Enterprise Radio", email, dance tracks, at 20.00: S5-7
1620 19.06 Meteoor, S3-8, Greek on freq, Dutch songs, polkas, 19.12: "Dit is de Meteoor", Conny Froboess - Lady Sunshine und Mister Moon,
1638 19.08 Bluebird, S4-9, Greek 1635 splashing, other carrier 1640, German yodel polka, waltz song, Dutch and German songs, 19.25: Schlagerpiloten - Der Himmel in deinen Armen, id 19.42
1645 19.10 Markonist, S3-7, 1650 Greek occ. covering, 1638 splashing, Dutch song, 19.12: Dutch version of "Fröken fräken ifrån fryken", Dutch songs, 19.19: Abba - Head over Heels, Maywood - Late at Night, 19.28: Abba - Lay all your Love on Me, id 19.43
1629 19.29 Scotland, S4-8, instr. techno, 19.34: instr. R&R, 19.35: "Dit is de Scotland Radio", 19.37: Dutch id-jingle, cd
1629 19.37 Turftrekker, S3-6, polka songs, 19.43: John Fogerty - Big Train, 19.46: moved to 1627, other carrier on freq covering, German song "Love me Baby, kiss me Baby, da da da", 19.57: id, greez to Martin, instr. techno
1656 19.48 unid, S2-5, 1660 Greek splashing, lots of Dutch talking, greez, German and Dutch songs, 20.53: talking, "XX Radio, 1656", Kiss - I was made for loving You, 21.01: "XX Radio", S3-6
5140 20.24 Charleston, S5-7, "Stand by for action, CRI presents The Roaring 20', we broadcast on 5140 kcs in the 60 meter band"
5810 20.26 Deltracks, S4-6, Andy Williams - Music to watch Girls go By, hosting, 20.27: "Je luistert naar Deltracks - Rock Radio", Lake & Palmer - Lucky Man
5880 20.34 Rock Revolution, S5-7, "Radio Rock Revolution - music power on SW"
1665 20.39 Kristal, S5-8, 1660 Greek splashing, Dutch songs, 20.44: id, greez to Sebastian and others, 20.46: Classics - Yellow Sun of Ecuador, Dutch version of Conny Froboess - Zwei kleine Italiener
1620 20.40 Meteoor, S6-9, Greek on freq, Dutch and German songs, 20.56: greez, id
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