Log 2023-8-13

Sunday 2023-8-13

Calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Russia +S1

6274,6   17.37     unid / El Condor Pasa + Meteor + unid, S3-5, other carrier 6275, occ. ute 6276 + Russian QSOs, "Kiitos kuuntelusta", talking in Finnish, playing Jimi Hendricks, 17.39: instr. version of "El condor pasa", "Radioasema El Condor Pasa kutsuu kuuntelijoitaan", 17.42: hosting in Finnish, Amii Stewart - Knock on Wood, hosting, Kingston Trio - Greenback Dollar, change of program,  17.49: Les Reed Orchestra - Man of  Action, Los Lobos - La Bamba, 17.56: "Tämä on Radio Meteor, suomalainen vapaa radio", Hurriganes -  Get On, "Tämä on Radio Meteor, this is Radio Meteor from Finland", S5-7, more info in Finnish: http://www.vapaaradio.fi/?s=artikkelit&id=24, the station stopped broadcasting in 1994,  19.10: S3-5, LHH on 6275, listenable in LSB, possibly another station id, hosting in Finnish, oldies, po box in Wuppertal, can't catch the echoing ids = unid

6265      18.04     Mexico, S5-7, occ. ute 6260-63, German and Dutch songs, 18.09: English version of Drafi Deutscher - Marmor Stein und Eisen Brich, 18.19: New Four - Halverwege Amsterdam en Bremershaven, Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny come Home, Dutch songs, 30^ , 18.58: Dire Straits - Money for Nothing, jingles ?, S6-8, 19.20: Abba - Waterloo, 19.42: "This is Radio Mexico from Germany, nice of you to listen", email, S7-9

6205      18.15     Zanzibar, S4-6, surrounded by utes, Shapiro - Walking back to Happiness, Archies - Sugar Sugar, 18.18: greez, id

6210      18.25     King SW, S3-5, ute 6207-10, mx, 18.26: "King SW"

5800      18.33     ContiKenzo, S4-6, Hot Chocolate - Everone's a Winner, "glug glug glug", greez to Mike Fox, DJ Paul Elstak - Love U More, 18.39: greez, id, Danny Cardo - Spreek je ook hollands, at 19.48: id, S7-9

6300      19.00     Quintus, S4-6, ute 6285-6315, rock, 19.03: "This is Radio Quintus, good evening listeners, a pirate station from the Netherlands", techno tracks, 19.07: id

6290      19.18     Weekend Music, S5-7, ute 6285-6315, hosting, id

Calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, statics from Finland, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France +S1-2, 180 m opening in deep fading

1620      19.50     Blauwe Koe, S5-9, instr. polka, 19.51: greez, id

1638      19.52     Marskramer, S5-9, Dutch songs, 19.59: "Polka City is the only Place for Me"-polka, Dutch songs, 20.29, talking, id

1629      19.53     unid, S5-9, Greek on freq, other carrier 1628, Dutch and German songs

1650      19.54     Witte Tornado, S4-8, other carrier 1652, German song, reggae, Dutch songs, id 20.12

5880      20.22     Rock Revolution, S4-6, Pearl Jam - Alive, 20.24: id-jingle

5140      20.25     Charleston, S4-6

6275      20.35     pres. LHH, S3-5, Manfred Mann - 5-4-3-2-1, "These are voyages of the starship Enterprise", tracks of tv-series' theme music


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