Log 2023-8-2
Wednesday 2023-8-2
Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 13, 14.30-15, 16 and 17 UTC, Bz negative since 5 UTC, currently -6 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Finland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova + S1-3, SW signals in fast fading
6262 17.55 unid, S5-8, Dutch rock and song tracks, 17.57: moved to 6265, 18.04 songs: "Zomermorgen", version of "Heart of Gold", cd 18.20
5800 18.13 Mexico / Skyline R. Germany / Hitmix, S3-5, ute 5794-98, 18.18: "This is Skyline Radio Germany", rock tracks and jingles covered by the ute, 18.24: ZZ Top - Viva Las Vegas, 18.52: Harpo - Movie Star, 18.58: "This is Hitmix Radio on 5800 kcs über de transmitter of Radio Mexico", S4-6
1636 18.41 Moonbreker, 3-5, greez, instr. polka, "Dit was de Moonbreker, goede avond, cd, on again 18.47, German song, QSO Meteoor
1636 18.43 Meteoor, s/on, S3-5, polka song, QSO Moonbreker, id, cd 18.46
Disturbed ionosphere, G1-G2-peaks at 19-20 UTC, Bz: -4 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Ukraine, Germany +S1-2, distorted MW signals in fast and deep fading, Greeks dominating on 180 meters
1632 19.49 Orban, S5-8, 1629 Greek covering, Roxette - Sleeping in my Car, Tracy Chapman - Fast Car, Bellamy Brothers - Let your love Flow, Dutch "cat meow"-polka, Dutch songs, 20.11: German version of Beatles - Ticket to Ride = Sie kommt nicht mehr, next song: "Bend me shape me", Dutch R&R, 30^, 20.26: Tina Turner - I can't stand the Rain, id 20.29
1615 20.08 Boogschutter, S2-5, id, hoping that reception is good, Dutch and German songs
1639 20.20 Turftrekker, S4-7, other carrier 1640, 1632 splashing, Redbone - Witch Queen of New Orleans, rock tracks, 20.26: Rammstein - Amerika, 20.33: Madonna - Papa don't Preach, 20.35: greez in the statics, 20.43: greez, Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me, 20.51: greez to stations and listeners, id
1648 20.21 Vrolijke Mijnwerker, S4-7, 1650 Greek splashing, Dutch songs. 20.32: "Aan de band de Mijnwerker", greez to Alf and others
1655 20.30 Turfsteker, S3-6, 1648 splashing, Dutch songs, id 20.47 and 20.48, greez, cd-ann., instr. polka, cd 20.50
5140 20.53 Charleston, S5-7, ute 5136-39
5810 20.54 Deltracks, S5-7, live English hosting, id, greez to Alf, 20.55: "Deltracks - your rock around the clock station, don't be shy", John Travolta + Olivia Newton John - You're the One that I Want
5880 20.58 Rock Revolution, S5-7, occ. ute 5878-82, id-jingle
1624 21.00 unid, S3-6, 1629 Greek splashing, instr. polkas
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