Log 2023-8-27
Sunday 2023-8-27
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz negative since 21 UTC yesterday, currently -5 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, western Mediterranean, Türkiye +S1-2
6306 16.47 Sombrero, S6-8, Sielun Veljet - Peltirumpu, "This is Radio Sombrero, radio.sombrero (at) proton.me", the same id in Finnish, 16.56: Portion Boys - Samaa taivasta katsotaan, Petri Nygård - JuomaPeli, 17.03: "Tämä on Radio Sombrero", email, Joan Jett - I love Rock and Roll - I hate myself for loving You, 17.09: id-jingles in English and Finnish, Rehupiikles - Meksikoon, Juice Leskinen - Munasillaan, 17.15: Wolde Valdemar Punnala - Naulaan ja naputan, 17.21: id, "We are closing down, keep on listening", email, cd 17.22
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, western Mediterranean +S1-2, G1-peak at 21 UTC > signals fading and weakening
6380 18.01 unid, S5-7, ass. Mexico
6205 18.03 Mi Amigo, S4-6, ute 6202-05, id 18.08
6210 18.47 King SW, S4-6, rock, 18.50: "King SW"
6265 18.51 Cuckoo, S5-7, rock, 18.54: "You're listening to Radio Cuckoo"
6277 18.56 unid, S6-8, rock concert recordings, ass. Joey
6290 19.04 unid / Weekend Music, S5-7
6302 19.05 XTC, S4-6, amateurs on freq, ute 6295-6300, "XX free radio on SW", reggae, English hosting between tracks, 19.14: "This is the XTC, Xenon Transmitting Company"
5800 19.15 ContiKenzo, S7-9, greez to Tony of London, id 19.16
1629 19.24 Barones, S6-8, 1630 Greek, Paul McCartney - Another Day, Dutch pirate song, 19.27: greez to Josef, Ben and others, 19.31: Reinhard Mey - Gute Nacht Freunde, Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, Mey again + Abba - Thank You for the Music, cd 19.41
1647 19.28 Witte Tornado, S5-7, greez to stations, id, phone number, waltz song
1631 19.43 Doctor Blow, s/on, S5-7, 1630 Greek, instr. polka, 19.44: id, QSO Barones, instr. polka, cd 19.46
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