Log 2023-10-13
Friday 2023-10-13
Disturbed ionosphere, Bz erratic: 0 .. +17 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1
6270 15.49 Studio 52, S5-8, Dutch song, rock tracks, 15.59: Alphaville - Sounds like a Melody, Eurythmics - Love is a Stranger, 16.06: Cliff Richard -The Day I met Marie, 16.11: Hollies - Stop stop Stop, 30^, 16.20: Dutch id-jingle, phone number
6385 16.22 unid / Hitmix, S7-S9+5, Die Amigos - Ein weißes Kreuz, techno rock, song: "Die Moral von der Geschicht", 16.30: "This is Hitmix Radio live on SW"
1665 16.35 unid, S6-9, other carrier 1666, choir+big band polka, waltz song, 16.42: Chris Montez - Ay no digas, Bino - Mama Leone, Donovan - Catch the Wind, 16.50: Little Eva - Locomotion, Fleetwood Mac - Go your own Way, polka song, ass. Digital
5800 16.59 Contikenzo / Hitmix, S8-S9+5, "Hitmix now with the ContiKenzo", greez to UKDXer, Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal im Sperrbezirk, German version of "Hey Dean,Hey Jean"
G1-peaks 17-17.30 UTC, Bz very erratic: -9 .. +14 nT, noise: floor SW=S1, very distorted SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, signals in deep fading
6940 18.30 unid, S4-6, jazz, several Glenn Miller Orchestra's swing tracks, ass. Zeppelin
6300 18.46 Blauwe Panter, S7-9, "Vagabunden der Bergen"-song, Gerhard Wendland - Tanze mit mir in den Morgen, polka song, German song, 18.55: jingle, rock, 18.59: German humor version of "Mama Leone", German tango, 19.06: Classics cavalcade: My Lady of Spain - Yellow Sun of Ecuador - Papa Peppone, 19.12 song: "Du bist das Leben für mich", 30^, 19.17: "Dit is de Panter, goede avond"
1638 19.20 Johnny Camaro, S5-9, Dutch songs, 19.23: Herman's Hermits - Dandy, 19.26: greez to Pandora, 19.27: "Dit is Johnny Camaro met een golden oldies uitsendung", Chris Andrews - Pretty Belinda, 17.34-35: several ids and cd-anns., greez, cd 19.36-44, "The River Kwai March", 19.45: QSO Ziegbok, Pandora, id 19.47, cd 19.48
1655 19.24 Barones, S6-S9+5, "It possibe to send me an app message", phone number, greez to Radiomann of Germany, id
1638 19.36 Ziegbok, S3-6, mx, QSO Johnny Camaro, 19.39: "Dit was Radio Ziegbok, goede avond", cd 19.40
1635 19.39 Pandora, S6-9, s/on, Greek on freq, march mx, 19.41: id, QSO Johnny Camaro, id 19.43, march mx, cd 19.43-52, German song, 19.53: Fancy - Bolero, 19.54: id, QSO Camaro
1629 19.49 Turftrekker, S5-8, other carrier 1628, rock, 19.51: Alphaville - Big in Japan, 19.52- occ. splashes of 1635, 19.55: Modern Talking - Atlantis is Calling (S.O.S. for Love), 20.00: New Order - Blue Monday, 20.08: Golden Earring - Radar Love, 20.15: America - Sister golden Hair, song: "Endlich Sommerzeit unser Urlaub ist da"- song, 30^, 20.22: Alphaville - Big in Japan, Dutch songs, 20.37: id
1615 20.10 Ruimzicht met de Booschutter, S3-5, march mx, cd 20.12
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