Log 2023-10-17
Tuesday 2023-10-17
Calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Greece +S1
6375 16.32 unid, S3-5, rock, 16.35: Avicii - Hey Brother, rock tracks, 16.51: Avicii - Waiting For Love, rock tracks, 16.59: Avicii - Wake me Up, 30^, 17.03: K's Choice - Not an Addict
1629 17.07 King Kong, S7-9, other station playing rock tracks, other carrier 1630, amateurs 1627, yodel polka song, instr. polka, Dutch songs, 17.20: talking, Dutch songs, 17.27: greez to Rocking Billy, 17.28: "Dit is King Kong"
1638 17.08 unid, s/on, S6-8, 1629 splashing, "I'm Frosen"-polka, cd 17.11
1615 17.11 Waterman ass. Zwarte Bouvier, S5-7, other carrier 1617, "Jonge jonge jonge"-polka, polka songs, 17.17: greez to Ziekbok, Dolfijn, id, polka song, real id from Achim and Irish Paul https://irishpaulsradioblog.blogspot.com/
1638 17.19 unid, S7-9, 1629 splashing, Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron, 17.28: CCR - Ooby Dooby, partly played rock tracks, 17.31: instr. polkas, 17.42- German songs, instr. polkas, 30^, 17.49: Merle Haggard - The Way It was in '51
1647 17.35 Luka, S5-7, other carrier on freq, Dutch rock, 17.36: id, greez to Maurits, "Luka Piraat", greez to Paul, rock tracks, 17.43: greez, id
1656 17.56 unid, S5-8, song, 17.58: Jim Reeves - He'll have to Go, song: "Wien Wien nur du allein", German polka song, 18.04: French 1650U covering, German and Dutch songs
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