Log 2023-10-23
Monday 2023-10-23
Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
1665 14.08 Digital, S3-5, Helene Fischer - Atemlos durch die Nacht, Q65 - The Life I Live, techno, id 14.14, greez
1620 14.43 Ruimzicht, S3-6, German and Dutch songs, 14.48 id, greez to Maurits, Martin, Schaduwjager
1611 15.54 unid, S3-5, other carriers on freq, 1602 R. Tsentr. splashes covering, Dutch songs
Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: +2 .. +6 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from France, Spain, Algeria +S1, 180 meter signals in deep fading
1629 18.07 Bluebird, S4-8, 1628 other carrier, 1630 Greek covering, German songs, e.g. 18.08 German version of "Silence is Golden", Dutch songs, 18.31: Peter Orloff - Ein Mädchen für immer, "There is a Bulldog laying on the Radiator"- polka, 18.59: Johnny Cash - Don't take your Guns to Town, 21.02: id, song: "Let your Love Flow"
1636 18.08 Pecon, S6-8, greez to station, id, cd
1668 18.10 unid, S3-7, other carrier 1670, Dutch song "Oh Johnny I love you so", Dutch and German songs, instr. polkas, cd 18.34
1638 18.13 unid, S7-9, QSO Pecon, parts of tracks, cd 18.15
6260 18.27 unid / Skyline Radio Germany, S6-8, Bad Company - Can't get Enough, German hosting, rock, id 18.34, 18.38: Heart - Barracuda, 19.37: Guns N' Roses - Paradise City, part of Kiss - Crazy crazy Nights, 19.39: carrier only, cd 19.40, S7-9
6934 18.40 New Dance R., S2-4, occ. ute 6932-56, disco tracks, 19.43: id-jingle, T'Pau - China in your Hand, S3-5
6940 18.42 pres. Zeppelin, S3-5, occ. ute 6932-56, Chicago - If You leave me Now, rock tracks, 19.45: Ian Dury & The Blockheads - Hit me with your Rhythm Stick, Eagles - One of these Nights, ELO - Evil Woman, S4-6
1620 18.53 unid, S4-8, Dutch songs, cd 18.59
1620 19.21 Zorro, S4-8, other carrier on freq, Katja Ebstein - Es war einmal ein Jäger, id, greez to Maurits, Bizon, Casablanca and others, Hawaii guitar polka, many ids, greez and Dutch songs, cd 19.59
1665 19.59 Technische Man, s/on, S4-8, Marc Anthony - I need to Know, rock tracks, 20.06: Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight, 20.09: "Je luistert naar de Technische Man Radio", Vengaboys - Uncle John from Jamaica
1620 20.00 Ziekbok, S4-8, s/on, instr. techno, instr. polkas, 20.08: id, greez, yodel polka, 20.14: greez, Hollies - Long cool woman in a black Dress
1635 20.22 unid, S3-7, 1629 and 1630 Greek splashing, Dutch song, 20.26: Sandy Coast - Just a Friend, Dutch song: "Zonder jou", 20.30: Freddy Quinn - Junge komm bald Wieder, rock, Dutch song, 20.42: Joan Baez - The Night They drove Old Dixie Down, Dutch song, 20.49: Lucille Starr - Colinda, 30^, Manfred Mann - Blinded by the Light, 20.59: Manfred Mann - My Name is Jack, 21.02 carrier only, cd 21.04
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