Log 2023-10-24

Tuesday 2023-10-24

Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -1 .. +6 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, occ. statics from Italy +S1

1625      14.45     Zwarte Boekanier, S3-6, Dutch songs, 14.52: greez to Alf, id

6290      14.54     Cuckoo R., S4-7, surrounded by occ. utes, rock tracks, 15.02: Cuckoo clock chimes

1665      16.11     Digital, S6-8, accordion polka, techno, 16.14: greez to Alf, "Dit is Radio Digital, goede dag", 16.16: Jon & Vangelis - I'll find my Way Home, 16.21: greez to Eigen Risico, Arona, polka songs

1629      16.50     Mosfet, S6-9, other carrier 1628, Concrete Blonde - Joey, 16.54- carrier only, cd 16.56-58, Cincrete Blonde again, Ultravox - Dancing with Tears in my Eyes, Juliane Werding - Stimmen im Wind, 17.10: A Flock of Seagulls - The more You live the more You Love, Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies, 17.15 id, Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in the Dark

1640      16.52     Musky, S4-7, id, greez, Dutch song, rock, Dutch songs

1645      17.18     Meteoor,s/on, S4-7, polka song, id, QSO Mebo 2, polka song, cd 17.20

1660      17.28     unid, S5-8, Greek on freq occ covering, German polka song, clarinet+ band polka, "Op de banjo"-song, Dutch songs, 17.42: Everly Brothers - Bye bye Love, Dutch and German songs, 18.11- carrier only, cd 18.13

1646      17.34     Musky, S4-7, QSO Meteoor, cd 17.35

1640      17.38     unid, s/on, S5-8, 20 kHz wide audio, instr. techno, 17.42: instr. polka, 17.44-47 carrier only, techno polka, techno rock, 17.50-51 carrier only, techno song, 17.54: "Kleine Natalie in de bergen"-song, 18.06: Sailor - A Glass of Champagne, Sandra - Maria Magdalena, cd 18.13

1620      17.45     Meteoor, S4-7, "Marian"- polka, QSO Gouden Ster, Mosfet, id 17.48, German song: "My Liebling my Darling my Dear", cd 17.49-54, QSO Gouden Ster, German polka song, cd 17.57

1636      17.52     Gouden Ster, S5-8, 1640 splashing, QSO Meteoor, cd 17.52- 17.57, German song "Das ist die Liebe  .. schönste für ein junges Paar", "Durch das Winterwald ..", 18.01: id, QSO Meteoor, id 18.02, cd

1645      18.03     Markonist, S5-8, instr. polka, id, QSO Meteoor, Musky, cd 18.05

1630      18.09     Columbia, s/on, S6-9, 1640 splashing, Sweet - Funny Funny, big band polka, Dutch "Bloody Mary"-polka, Troggs - With a Girl like You, German song "Charlie Charlie little Boy", 18.21: id, Vicky Leandros - Hey Joe McKenzie

1642      18.16     Markonist, S6-9, s/on, instr. polka, Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow, Queen - Great Pretender, Rod Stewart- Have I told You lately that I love You, rock tracks, 18.46: Shadows - Apache, id

1656      18.29     Snowman, S4-7, Koos Bloemsma - Soldier boy, song: "Even Cowgirls get the Blue", Dutch rock, Dutch songs, 18.47: Stampeders - Hit the Road Jack, Dutch rock, 18.55: Hollies - Long cool woman in a black Dress, Dutch techno, 18.57: greez to Casablanca, id, 19.00: Zager & Evans - In the Year 2525

1620      18.43     Marianne, s/on, S6-9, 20 kHz wide audio, microphone difficulties ?, Greek on freq, Dutch and German songs, 18.53: Cora - Komm wir fahren nach Amsterdam, id 19.06, greez to Maurits and stations , id 19.06, greez to Maurits and stations

1655      19.41     Kristal, S5-8, instr. polka, "Guten Morgen liebe Sonne"- song, id 19.47: "Dit was de Kristal Radio, Oost-Nederland", "Rode rozen op witte zijde"-waltz, song: "Yellow Rose of Texas", instr. polka, cd 19.55

Receiving Markonist, 2023-10-24, 18.47 UTC, 1642 kHz

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