Log 2023-11-12
Sunday 2023-11-12
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +5 nT , noise: floor SW=S0, signals fading, occ. static crashes from Russia
6280 11.25 Monique, S3-5, id, hosting
6306 11.37 Sombrero, S6-9, id, Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah, part of Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus - Lumessakahlaajat, 11.44: a-ha - Take on Me, id-jingle, Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run, Juice Leskinen - Puhelinpylvään henkinen elämä, 11.59: id- jingle, Eini - Yes Sir alkaa polttaa, id-jingle, Kikka - Mä haluun viihdyttää
6295 13.57 unid /Weekend Music, S3-5, "This is Weekend Music Radio broadcasting on the SW bands", bagpipe id-tune, covered by a wobbling carrier on freq
6375 14.00 unid /Igloo, S4-6, Sveriger Radio interval signal, 14.01: Igloo program start, 14.37: Cure - Friday I'm in Love
6280 14.13 unid, S4-6, Sound Of Hope + jamming on freq, Fine Young Cannibals - She drives me Crazy, Bette Midler - Beast of Burden, Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra, Toto - Pamela, cd 14.27, no id, moved to 6390 and covered by ute on freq, on 6280 again at 14.31, techno, cd 14.34
Settling ionosphere, Bz: +6 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, SW signals still in fast fading, 180 meters not open yet
6270 15.49 Deltracks, S4-7, Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair, hosting
6395 15.54 unid, S4.8, ute on freq, Stranglers - No more Heroes, hosting, hard rock, 15.58: "This is XX, we wish you a very good Sunday", rock tracks, 16.48: "We are closing down in 10 minutes", Sisters Of Mercy - Temple of Love, 16.55: talking, unclear Dutch id, a few words of English, cd-ann., cd 17.01
6375 16.12 Mexico, S5-8, Boney M - El Lute, 18.13: "This is Mexico Radio, a free radio on SW", German id- jingle, Tremeloes - Here comes my Baby
6280 16.15 unid, S3-6, techno tracks
5835,1 16.23 pres. Evropa (UKR), S4-7, 5830U Russian ann.s splashing, rock tracks
5880 16.30 Rock Revolution, S5-8, Placebo - For What It's Worth, 16.33: "This is Radio Rock Revolution - music power on SW", Bruce Springsteen - Tunnel of Love
1638 16.41 unid, S5-7, CCR-Cotton Fields, 16.42: talking, cd 16.43
6395 17.01 Rob, S3-5, QSO the previous on 6395, cd 17.02
6305 17.18 unid, S3-6, Kiss - I was made for loving You, humor song, 17.21: Abba - Lay all your Love on me, "We play our music from vinyl records - this is XX", Black Sabbath - Paranoid, Alphaville - Big in Japan, Elvis - In the Ghetto, 17.36: "This is Radio XX, the Netherlands - all Europe Radio", Bananarama - Robert De Niro's Waiting
6205 17.25 unid, S1-3, rock tracks
6260 17.53 unid, S4-7, techno tracks
6400 17.56 unid, S2-5, rock, 17.58: Abba - The Name of the Game, reggae: Eddy Grant - Livin on the Frontline
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: +5 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, signals in slow fading
6931 19.15 pres. indy, S1-3, rock
6910 19.16 New Dance, moved to 6914, 19.18 back to 6910, S1-3, rock, 19.23: id-jingle
5140 19.26 Charleston, S5-7, "This is Charleston Radio International", song: "Santa Lucia"
3922 19.28 Misti, S3-7, occ. amateurs 3919-24, Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody - Another one bites the Dust - Killer Queen, 19.38: greez to Achim, Panda, "This is Misti Radio, good evening"
3940 19.52 unid, S3-6, Hollies - Stop stop Stop, Miley Cyrus - Heart of Glass, 20.02: Shania Twain - Man I feel like a Woman, David Hasselhoff - Looking for Freedom, 20.10: thanking for reports, greez to Panda, 20.14: greez to Rick, Blue Oyster Cult - Don't fear the Reaper, Roger Daltrey - Giving it all Away, Dutch song "Leonardo", 30^, Status Quo - In the Army Now
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