Log 2023-11-18
Saturday 2023-11-18
Very calm ionosphere, MDI=0,00-0,01 nT/s, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0
1611 15.07 Luka, S5-8, Dutch song, Rolling Stones - Paint It Black, 15.11: thanking for reports, id, cd
1629 15.08 Mike, S6-9, other carrier 1630, 1636 splashing, "Mike Radio - your number one", song: "Micaela", Dutch songs
1636 15.19 unid, S5-8, 1629 splashing, instr. polka, cd 15.22, no id
6205 15.23 Super Clan, S4-6, occ. ute 6205-08, Middle Of The Road - Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep, 15.24 id, hosting
6280 15.26 unid, unassessable, covered by ute 6280-6320, rock
6945 15.27 unid, S5-7, ute 6946-56, same Russian techno rap track over and over
6295 15.47 unid / Weekend Music, S5-7, id, recording of Radio Impact
1636 16.26 unid, S5-7, Greek 1635 occ. covering, "Sauerkraut Polka", instr. polka,cd 16.30, no id
6270 16.31 Deltracks, S5-7, "Sounds fine - Deltracks", Buggles - Video killed the Radio Star
5140 16.34 Charleston, S4-6, oldies, 16.36: Carroll Gibbons - Mister Brown of London Town, 16.39: "CRI presents The Roaring 20's"
5880 16.40 Rock Revolution, S4-7, Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch, 16.44: "All over Europe -Radio Rock Revolution", version of "California Dreaming", 16.52: "This is Radio Rock Revolution - music power on SW", Slade - Coz I luv You, German version of "Lady in Black", 17.00: "Radio Rock Revolution - fasten your seatbelts, cause here we go"
1629 17.02 Torpedojager, S6-9, Dutch waltz song, "Marocco en de oude beduinen"-polka, accordion+band polka, "Ik denk aan jou tag en nacht"-waltz, instr. polka, id 17.14, "Maria Dolores"-song, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich - The Legend of Xanadu, instr. R&R
Almost G1-peaks at 20-22.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +3 nT, noise MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals
1615 19.50 unid, S4-6, covered by 1611 stations' and 1602 R. Tsentr's splashes, Dutch songs
1620 19.57 unid, S4-6, other carrier on freq covering, instr. waltz, instr. polka, 20.02: talking covered by the other carrier
1638 19.45-20.35: intense QSOing of several stations, I could not id who was QSOing who and were they just greez, but at least these names came up: Spanningzoeker, Meteoor, Santana, Wilskracht, Valentino, Torpedojager, Tucon ??, Kristal, Kleine XX
1655 20.25 Yogi, S9-S9+15, Box Tops - The Letter
1635 20.38 Blauwe Koe, S7-9, 20.39 moved to 1629, carrier only, 20.41: s/on, "Marian"-song, 20.43 moved to 1634, carrier only, same song continuing, Dutch songs, rock tracks, id 20.54
1643 22.30 Zomerzon, S6-9, polka songs, 22.37-40 carrier only, polka song, id 22.42
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