Log 2023-11-20
Monday 2023-11-20
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floorSW=S0, floor MW=S1, 180 meters gradually opening in long and deep fading
1634 14.59 Eigen Risico, S1-5, Dutch songs, 15.07: talking, 15.10: id, greez
1620 15.02 unid, S1-6, Dutch and German songs
1659 15.21 unid, S1-5, ute 1661-64, Dutch songs, 15.23 and 15.25: id
6270 16.34 unid, S5-7, song: "You Marylou", Petula Clark - I couldn't live without your Love, cd 16.38, ass. Parade (UK)
5140 16.41 pres. Charleston, S5-7
1630 16.46 unid, S3-6, other carriers 1629, 1628, 1627, waltz song, part of an instr. polka, 16.46- carrier only, cd
1646 16.48 Pontiak, s/on, S6-8, instr. R&R, 16.50-51 carrier only, "Nescafe"-yodel polka, Renate Kern - Morgen früh da lachst du schon wieder, piano polka, 16.57: id, greez to Concorde, instr. polka
Increasing ionospheric disturbances 18.30 UTC onwards, Bz: -3 .. +6 nT, noise: floor MW=S2 < 180 meters with all-band ionospheric rattles, weak and distorted signals
6915 18.50 unid, S1-3, Donna Summer - I Feel Love
1620 18.53 Bluebird, S6-9, 19.20: Susan Raye - L.A. International Airport, instr. waltz, "Bleib heute Abend bei mir"-tango, 19.08: Bernd Spier - Happy Days in Germany, 19.11: talking
1634 18.55 Eigen Risico, S4-7, Dutch songs, 19.04 talking, greez, id
1630 18.57 unid, S4-7, wobbling carrier 1629 covering, talking, 19.00: Traveling Wilburys - Handle with Care, John Fogerty - Rock and Roll Girls, 19.06: "Dit id de Station XX", greez, ELO - Hold on Tight, rock tracks
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