Log 2023-11-21
Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 15-16 UTC, Bz negative since 10.30 UTC, currently -8 .. +7 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Italy, Montenegro, signals in fast fading, distorted 180 meter signals, floor MW=S2
6270 14.56 Deltracks, S5-7, "Listen to Radio Deltracks - number one internet radio station live", rock, 15.00 Dutch hosting, id
6325 15.01 unid, covered by occ. utes, 6319-24 and 6325-28, S4-6, Dutch songs, e.g. 15.05: "Mooiste meisje in de stadt Kleine Annabella"-song, next: Dutch version of "Long live Love", 15.15: song "Spelen foxtrot spelen tango ... zonder sorgen"
6295 15.38 unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6285-95, German song "Viva Mexico", otherwise Dutch songs
1630 16.40 Mike, s/on, S5-8, other carrier on freq, Greek 1629 occ. covering, Abba - Eagle, Dutch rock, cd 16.49-50, rock tracks, Dutch songs, 17.14: "This radio station is found on the web", site
1620 16.57 unid, S2-5, Greek on freq, Dutch songs, 17.01: greez, id, 17.02: Metallica - Nothing else Matters
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -9 .. +6 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals in fast fading, occ. static crashes from western Mediterranean, Italy, Montenegro +S1
1657 18.02 unid, S4-7, 1655 Russian covering, Dutch songs
1635 18.04 Bonanza, s/on, S6-9, big band country polka, 18.06: QSO Mike, id 18.07
1620 18.58 King Kong, S7-S9+5, other Dutch on freq playing polkas and waltzes, Tom Jones - Help Yourself, "Eldorado"-song, 19.05: Dutch version of "Then I kissed Her", Dutch song, e.g.19.10: "Hey hey Tommy uit Tennessee I love love you", id 19.15, greez
1629 18.59 Spakenburg, S8-S9+5, greez, id, cd 19.00
G1-G2-G3-G4-peaks at 20-21 UTC, Bz dropping: +2 > -13 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, statics +S1, 180 meter signals in fast fading, Greeks dominating
1635 20.54 unid, S8-S9+5, Greek on freq covering, rock, 20.57: part of Mr. Mister - Broken Wings, part of Mr. President - Coco Jamboo, cd 21.00
1620 21.01 King Kong + Marianne Marskramer, unassessable, both equally strong, King Kong: talking, greez to Oldtimer, instr. polka, cd 21.03
1620 21.03 Marianne Marskramer, S9-S9+10, 30 kHz wide audio, Dutch song, 21.09: greez, German songs, real id from UKDXer, Terry and LHU
1629 21.15 Wilskracht, s/on, S6-8, 1620 splashing, Hawaii guitar polka, 21.16: OSO King Kong, id, waltz songs
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