Log 2023-11-8
Wednesday 2023-11-8
Unsettled ionosphere after several daytime G1-peaks, Bz erratic: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, 180 meter signals opening in deep fading
6270 15.23 Deltracks, S3-6, occ. ute 6268-72, rock, 15.27: Joe Dolan - Make me an Island, rock tracks, 15.41: Thin Lizzy - Boys are back in Town, Possibility Days - Counting Crows, 15.50: "Retro Hits"
6285 15.24 unid, S6-9, occ. ute 6285-90, German and Dutch songs, 15.31: Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzales, 15.54: Abba - The Name of the Game, 15.59: Rolling Stones - Start me Up, CW on freq covering
6295 15.25 unid, S3-6, occ. ute 6289-94, Dj Paul Elstak - Rainbow high in the Sky, Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, 5th Dimension - Aquarius, Donna Summer - I Feel Love, rock tracks, cd 15.54-56, less power ?, Dutch songs, S2-5, ass. Ronalisa
6940 16.05 Dolfijn, S3-6, occ. ute 6937-40, "Tirolerland du bist so schön"-polka, Dutch song, 16.11: "Schön ist die Jugendzeit"-waltz, rock, 16.17: greez to Paul: "Nice that you can hear me in England", 16.18: "Dolfijn kortegolf, Paul", Peter Maffay - Du, other station (ass. Zeppelin) becoming audible on freq
1655 16.28 Eigen Risico, S2-6, greez to Noordster, baby giggle polka, 16.31: greez to Herman, instr. polkas, 16.36: greez, instr. polka, 16.39: greez, id 16.57, cd 17.15, S3-7
1629 18.56 unid, S3-8, Dutch "Ave Maria"-song, techno version of "Popcorn", Dutch songs, 17.25: Boney M - Daddy Cool, Luv - You're the greatest Lover
1620 17.06 Monza, S6-9, Greek on freq, September - Cry for You (You'll never see me Again), Mr. President - Coco Jamboo, 17.12: "Zender Monza kort aan de band", Murray Head - One Night in Bangkok, greez, on again 17.22: Men At Work - Land down Under, QSO Drukstoomjager, thanking Musky for report
1620 17.16 Pontiak, S9-S9+10, part of Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, 17.18: Al Stewart - On the Border, instr. polka, id 17.20, QSO Monza, cd 17.22
1620 17.26 Mebo 2, S3-6, in QSO, id, cd 17.28
1647 17.32 Nachtzwerver, S6-8, Koto - Jabdah, 17.35: greez to Kris, id, instr. polka
1620 17.37 Schaduwjager,S7-9, QSO the previous stations, Foreigner - Say You Will, id 17.29, cd
1615 18.05 unid, S2-4, wobbling carrier 1617, Dutch songs, e.g. 18.08: "Maria"-song
1650 18.13 unid, S4-6, Dutch song, accordion polka, 18.16 song: "Weine nicht kleine Eva", Dutch song
G1-peaks at 16.30 and 18.30 UTC, G2-G1-G3-peaks at 19-20 UTC, Bz erratic: -4 .. +3 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, distorted signals in fast fading
1627 19.16 unid, S7-9, other carrier 1630, instr. polka, "Es ist eine Frage der Zeit"-polka, German polka songs, 18.26: accordion rumba, polkas, e.g. 19.30: "Mariote"-polka, Dutch songs, 19.42: Kitty Wells - It wasn't God who made Honky Tonk Angels, more country songs, 20.01: concert version of Ike & Tina Turner - Proud Mary
1638 19.20 Luka, S5-7, rock, id 19.21, greez to Alex, Animals - We gotta get out of this Place, 19.25: greez to Paul, id, version of "Lovely Rita Meter Maid", Al Stewart - Year of the Cat, 19.30: greez to Dave of the UK, Abba - Summer Night City, America - Ventura Highway, 19.37: id, email, "Mañana Mañana"-rock, 19.41: id
1620 19.48 unid, s/on, S7-9, instr. waltzes and polkas
G3-G2-G1-peaks at 20-21 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, signals in fast fading
1620 21.00 King Kong, S7-S9+5, 15 kHz wide audio, instr. polkas, 21.04: humor strip, 21.09: instr. polka, 21.11: id, instr. polka, cd 21.14
1629 21.05 Bluebird, s/on, S7-S9+5, 1620 splashing, waltz song, 21.07 song: "Kleine Annabella", "Meiner ist schöner als deiner"-polka, 21.17: talking, id, 21.20: covered by 1627
1627 21.20 unid, s/on, S9-S9+10, 1629 splashing, Connie Francis - The Tennessee Waltz, "You are my only Sunshine"-polka, cd 21.24, no id
Receiving Monza Zender, 2023-11-8, 17.09 UTC, 1620 kHz
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