log 2023-12-14

Thursday 2023-12-14

Bz negative since 11 UTC yesterday > G2-storm between 1 and 5 UTC > unsettled ionosphere, Bz currently -7 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Italy, the Tyrrhenian Sea, Sardinia +S1, floor MW=S2, 180 meter signals weakening

6300      15.10     Kiss AM, S3-6, amateurs 6298, rock, 15.12: Stephen Bishop - Never letting Go, rock tracks, 15.26: Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a Hero, English rock and disco tracks, 15.49: id-jingle

6205      15.25     unid, S4-7, very strong ute 6206-22 covering, extended version of Tears For Fears - Everybody wants to rule the World, rock tracks, 15.39: Nena - Leuchtturm, next: "Godspeed John Glenn"-rock

5840      15.54     unid / unid, S6-9, seagull screams + instr. rock, 15.58: Spanish id- jingle: Mi Amigo from ship Verona, (or vice versa), carrier only, cd 15.59

6270      16.05     unid, S4-7, German song "Oh Marina .. mamma mia", Dutch waltz song

1620      16.24     Ziekbok, s/on, S5-9, other carrier 1623, instr. techno rock, Bruce Springsteen - My beautiful Reward - Better Days - Glory Days, 16.38: "Je sind verbonden met de Radio Professor Ziekbok", greez, Bruce Springsteen - The River, more Springsteen songs, 16.49: id, greez, 16.52: Abba - SOS, greez to Marianne, "De mooie tag in mei"-song

1665      17.24     unid, s/on, S5-8, ute 1661-64, polka song, part of a Dutch version of Peter Orloff - Ein Mädchen für immer, cd 17.28, no id

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz with negative values continuing, currently -6 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S3 < all-band ionospheric rattles > something ionospheric is probably about to happen

1620      18.30     Monza, S6-9, thanking Ziekbok for report, instr. polka, id, Heino - Blau blüht der Enzian

1629      18.33     DB, S6-9, greez to Houthakker and others, Abba - Chiquitita, greez to Denmark, "No, Abba is from Sweden", 18.36: "Dit is de oude Betta"

1660      18.37     unid, S5-8, Greek on freq, "Sterren boven water"-song, Heart - Barracuda, concert version of Abba - Chiquitita, 18.49: talking, 18.50: unclear id, cd-ann., march mx, cd 18.52

1639      18.47     unid, S3-6, polka song

1645      18.55     unid, S3-6, 1644 Russian ann.s covering, big band polka, cd 19.02

1660      18.57     unid, s/on, S5-8, Greek on freq, jazz, QSO DB, unclear id, 19.01 id, jazz, cd 19.01

G1-peaks at 20-20.30 UTC, disturbed ionosphere, Bz: -6 .. +1 nT, noise: floor MW=S3 < all-band ionospheric rattles, distorted 180 meter signals

1642      21.05     Marskramer, S8-S9+5, 20 kHz wide audio, "Zonder jou Anushka"-polka, Dutch songs, polkas, waltzes, 21.31: talking

1655      21.06     Meteoor, S7-9, talking, jazz, 21.08: jazz version of "Santa Claus is coming to Town", Dutch songs, American Xmas songs and oldies, 21.25: id

1670      21.11     unid, S6-8, 1666 Russian splashing, Dutch version of "One of us is Crying", 21.14: Stranglers - Skin Deep, Dutch songs, 21.25: song: "Ursula Ursula", next: Anita Hegerland and Roy Black -  Schön ist es auf der Welt zu sein, Tracey Ullman - I can't break Away, song: "Catalina ik kom terug", Dutch songs, 21.40 onwards covered by an S7-9 carrier on freq 

Receiving Radio Professor Ziekbok, 2023-12-14, 16.26 UTC, 1620 kHz


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