Log 2023-12-24

Sunday 2023-12-24, Christmas Eve

G2-G1-peaks at 7-7.30 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz very erratic: -7 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S2, noisy 180 meters first opening

6320      14.53     unid, S7-9, "Lydia ideale frau"-song, 15.00: "Oh Anita"-song, "Rode rozen op witte zijde"-waltz, 15.08 song: "Bye bye toot morgen", instr. rock, Dutch songs, 16.26: Playahitty - The summer is Magic, DJ Bobo - Let the Dream come True, ass. Joey

6300      14.56     Akenzo ? / Hitmix, S7-9, occ. other carrier 6301, listenable in LSB, song, polka song, 15.01: "Hitmix live auf 6300", instr. R&R

6280      15.03     unid / Radio 0511, S2-5, rock tracks, 15.13: talking, rock tracks, 15.22: time beeps + jingle, rock tracks, 15.32: Dutch hosting, Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing, 16.01: Rolling Stone - Little red Rooster, jingle, "Hits countdown on Radio 0511"

6290      15.19     Cuckoo, S3-6, id, Ronettes - Sleigh Ride, Christmas songs, 15.35: Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry, cuckoo bell chimes

6955      15.38     Enterprise, S6-9, "Come together as One"- song, id-jingle, SSTV, rock versions of: "Santa Claus is coming to Town", "Run run Rudolf", 15.49: Xmas versio of "Macarena", 15.55: John Lennon - So This is Christmas

5140      15.59     Charleston, S4-6, "This is CRI, we broadcast on 5140 kcs in the 60 meter band"

6205      16.10     unid, S2-4, occ. ute 6205-08, Moody Blues - Nights in white Satin, rock tracks , 16.21: Beatles - The long and winding Road

6270     16.22     Central R. Int., 3-5, ute 6268-72 covering, Daryl Hall & John Oates - Maneater, 16.25: "XX International", 16.29: talking: "Radio XX", jingles: "Central Radio International", 16.31: Maneater continuing

1638      16.54     Johnny Camaro, S4-8, "Santa Cruz"-song, 16.56-57 carrier only, Dutch song "Jee jee jee",  Dutch version of "Pour un flirt avec toi", instr. polka, Dutch songs, 17.18: greez to Tom: "A little bit of Dutch records", id 17.29, "Cafe zonder bier"-song

1655      16.58     unid, S3-7, "Kus me voor de laatste keer"-wals, 17.00: talking, Dutch songs, e,g, 17.08: "Manolito", 17.12: greez, id, country mx, 17.17: thanking Manolito for report, id, Dutch and German songs, 17.22: CCR - Bad Moon Rising - Lodi

1620      17.08     unid, S3-7, other carriers 1618 and 1621, Band - The Weight (Take a Load off Annie), 17.13: CCR - Green River, 17.19: Rolling Stones - It's all over Now

1647      18.45     Oldtimer, S6-9, other station on freq, Boney M. - Mary's Boy Child, Dutch and German songs, 19.02: id, greez

1625      18.47     unid, S3-6, 1630 splashing, other carrier on freq, "De kleine Jan"-waltz, polka song

1630      18.50     Bonanza, S5-7, other carrier 1629, Dutch pirate polkas, 18.59: greez, id

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S2, noisy 180 meters, Greeks dominating 

1642      20.33     unid, S7-9, Greek 1640 splashing, Dutch song, 20.35: greez to Blauwe Hond, 20.38: greez to King Kong, waltz and polka songs, 21.01: "Himmelbet Polka", cd 21.04

1638      20.40     Moonlight, S5-7, 1640 Greek splashes covering, 1642 splashing, Dutch songs, 20.43: "Oh Anita"-song, polka songs, 20.49: instr. R&R tracks, 20.53: pirate polka, 20.55-56 carrier only, Shadows - Apache, id 20.57, greez, 20.58: "Dit is de Moonlight, goede avond"

G1-peak at 22 UTC, Bz calming: -1 .. +1 nT, noise: MW=S2

1633      22.33     Eigen Risico, S6-8, instr. polka, instr. waltz, 22.35: very good evening to stations, listeners, to Terry: "Good Christmas Day to your family, this is the ER from the Netherlands", 22.37: id

1655      22.38     Oliebollenbakkers S7-S9+10, Johnny Cash - A Thing called Love, 22.41: greez to Eddie, id, Luv - Trojan Horse, CCR - Cotton Fields, Cock Robin - The Promise You Made, Barry Ryan - Eloise

1634      22.55    Ziekbok, S8-S9+5, QSO Eigen Risico, instr. polka, cd 22.56

1647      23.04     Witte Tornado, S7-9, instr.techno, De Lady giving id and greez, instr. techno, 23.07: Witte Tornado thanking, cd-ann. instr. techno, cd 23.08

1629      23.09     Alabama, S6-8, QSO Ziekbok, Eigen Risico, instr. polka, cd 23.11-23.18, march polka, id 23.20, in QSO, yodel polka song, "Dein Texas Ranger sagt auf wiedersehen .."-song

1634      23.12     Eigen Risico, S6-8, 1635U Norwegian Coastal Service, Hammerfest- Forsoel splashing, QSO Alabama, De Lady en Witte Tornado, instr. polka, cd 23.15


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