log 2024-1-11

Thursday 2024-1-11

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 

6270      15.09     Monte Carlo Int., S5-7, instr. techno, 15.11: "So, you're listening to Radio Monte Carlo International, testing, RM is always testing", 15.12: Sash - Ecuador, 15.14: "Was testing some new audio equipment", id, "Wish you a nice evening", cd 15.16

6325      15.15     Sombrero, S4-6, Valvomo - Mikä kesä, 15.19: "We are Sombrero Radio from Finland", email, "Testataan testataan", ... vanishing ..., 15.25: S3-5, 15.28: "Great Balls of Fire"-R&R, 15.30: vanished into background noise 

1650      15.31     Eigen Risico, S5-7, instr. polka, 15.32: greez to Henk Spakenburg, 15.34: covered by 1650U Corsen Radio (F), moved to 1647, instr. polkas, 15.46: German "1-2-3-4"-polka, waltzes, polkas, 15.56: greez

1655      15.34     Turfsteker, S4-6, instr tracks, 15.44: Hawaii guitar polka, "Libertad"-techno, 15.51: id, greez to Maurits, "Frühling Zeit"-polka

1624      16.22     Ziekbok, S7-9, instr. "Roll out the Barrel", 16.23: greez to Waterman, Noordzee, "Je sind verbonden met de Radio Professor Ziekbok", instr. polka, instr. waltz

6268      16.26     Grenswinkel, S4-7, talking, Abba - SOS, Bay City Rollers - Money Honey, 16.33: id, cd-ann., Billy Ocean - Love really hurts without You, 16.35- carrier only

6285      16.28     Deltracks, S6-8, occ. ute 6285-95, rock tracks, id 16.35, Full House - Standing on the Inside, Simon & Garfunkel - Cecilia, Bill Deal & The Rhondels - I've been Hurt, 16.46: id-jingle

1638      16.55     Tarzan, S4-7, other carrier 1640, instr. techno, Kinks - Dandy, German song, 17.01: id, greez to Mauritz

1632      16.59     unid, s/on, S5-8, 1630-31 wobbling carrier, instr. polka, jazz polka, 17.05: Tommy James & The Shondells - Hanky Panky, instr. "Puppet on a String", instr. "Hanky Panky", 17.12: Whistling Jack Smith - I was Kaiser Bill's Batman, Sweet - Blockbuster, 17.17: greez, "Dit is de Zender XX", Survivor - American Heartbeat, 17.23: greez to Rotterdam, "Je sind verbonden met de Zender XX uit Twente", cd 17.25

5140     17.29     Charleston, S5-8, "This is Charleston Radio International"

Calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S2

1620      18.32     Turftrekker, S6-8, 1624 splashing, other station on freq, Conny Froboess - Zwei kleine Italiener, song: "Mein junges Leben", 18.38 moved to 1633, 1638 splashes covering, parts of rock tracks, 18.48 moved to 1629, other carrier on freq, rock tracks, 30^, 19.04: Fancy - Bolero, 19.06: talking, id, greez to Maurits, 19.08: greez to Paul, Vengaboys - My Uncle John from Jamaica, S7-9

1638      18.37     Bluebird, S9-S9+10, song: "Little Banjo Boy", 18.39: greez to Tarzan, id, instr. polka

1620      18.46     Houthakker S7-9, Greek on freq, Dutch rock, id 18.47, Dutch songs

1614      19.16     Marskramer, S7-9, "Ogen so blauw"-polka, polka song, 19.19: "Warum warum warum"-song, "Oh Mari"-song, 19.27: greez to Houthakker, "Dit is de Marskramer", greez to Waterman

1656      19.34     Luka, S7-9, Bobby Fuller Four - I fought the Law (and the Law Won), Dutch rock tracks, 19.41: id, greez to Maurits

Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S2

1647      21.08     unid, S9+5 - S9+15, part of Alison Krauss - Down to the River to Pray, country song "Five Hundred Miles", more country tracks, 21.30: waltzes, 21.36: Dutch songs, 21.46 song: "Paradijs voor alle dromen", ass. Radio De Kleine Man

1667      21.10     Kristal, S8-S9+5, Dutch song, instr. polkas, 21.17: "Dit was de Kistal vanaf Oost-Nederland, goede avond", polka song, 21.21: greez to Maurits, instr. "The Blueskirt Waltz", polka songs, 21.28: greez, id, Status Quo - Whatever you Want, greez, Heino - Blau blüht der Enzian, 21.37: instr. R&R, 21.38: id, cd-ann., instr. R&R continuing, cd 21.40 

1665      21.41     Armada, s/on, S8-S9+5, rock, 21.42: "Test, 1,2, hello, test 1,2, hello", same rock continuing, 21.44: "Test, 1,2, hello, hello", QSO Kristal with 90% carrier, id, cd 21.46


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