Log 2024-1-18
Thursday 2024-1-18
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Montenegro, Albania
1629 14.38 DB, S5-7, Hawaii guitar polka, QSO Baanbreker, "Dit is de DB uit Twente", cd 14.41-54, QSO Baanbreker, Robin Hood
1620 14.42 White Snake, S4-6, "Dit is de Zender White Snake uit Noord-Veluwe", QSO Baanbreker, cd 14.43
6285 15.10 pres. Ronalisa, S3-5, occ. ute 6285-95, big band polka, polka song, 15.14: Helene Fischer - Atemlos durch die Nacht, laser gun whistles, "Da sprach der alte Häuptling der Indianer"-song, Heart - Barracuda, rock
1624 15.26 ass. Prof. Ziekbok, S5-8, wobbling carrier 1625, instr. polka, 15.28-29: short transmission break + carrier only, instr. "Dans met mij Colinda"-polka, cd 15.30
6295 15.34 unid, S5-8, children's songs, 15.38:"Test hello hello, dit is de Radio XX, hello hello", muffled id 15.40, cd
6950 15.42 unid, S5-7, Tornados - Telstar, 15.45-46 carrier only, cd
1648 15.47 Arona, S4-7, QSO Robin Hood, Eigen Risico, id 15.49, U2 - With or without You, 15.50: "XX experimenteel", Flippers - Bye bye bis Morgen, 15.53: id, greez to Maurits
1654 15.55 Turfsteker, S3-6, Dutch waltz song, 15.55: id, greez to Maurits, waltz song continuing
1624 15.58 ass. Prof. Ziekbok, s/on, S6-8, wobbling carrier 1625, instr. polkas, 16.04: instr. R&R, "So schnell vergeht das Glück"-waltz, cd 16.11
1665 16.36 Digital, S7-9, Linda Ronstadt - It's so Easy, greez to Witte Tornado, 16.42: id, greez to Josje Power, Monte Carlo, Earth And Fire - Memories
6295 16.47 Monique, S6-8, occ. ute 6295- 6305, instr. rock, instr. mx tracks, 17.06: station interval signal, 17.09: dedicated to Paul: Tears For Fears - Sowing the Seeds of Love
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. +2 nT, noise: floor MW=S2, fading 180 meter signals in ionospheric rattles
1620 18.30 King Kong, S9-S9+10, other Dutch 1623, Marty Robbins - Please don't blame Me, instr. country mx, 19.06 id
1629 18.34 Marskramer, S6-9, 20 kHz wide audio, Dutch songs, 19.09 id
1645 18.36 Quintus, S6-9, at first 1641U Norwegian coastal service splashing, instr. R&R, instr. polka, polka song, 18.42: Cora - Komm wir fahren nach Amsterdam, id 18.47 and 18.49
1623 18.50 unid, S7-9, 1620 splashing, Roy Orbison - Windsurfer
1660 19.15 Studio 19, S7-9, other wobbling carrier on freq badly covering, Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, Sydney Youngblood - If only I Could, 19.24 talking, Status Quo - Down Down, 19.26: greez to Baro, id, Nazareth - Love Hurts
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