Log 2024-1-25
Thursday 2024-1-25
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, 180 meter signals in slow fading
6275 15.34 unid, S3-5, occ. amateurs on freq, polka song, techno, cd 15.40, no id
6290 15.47 Ronalisa, S3-5, id-jingle, email, CCR - Sweet Hitchhiker, rock tracks
6320 15.58 Kiss AM, S3-5, Mud - Dynamite, 16.00: id-jingle
6260 16.21 Monique, S6-8, instr. rock, instr. country mx, 16.28: "This is Radio Monique", station id mx, 16.30: live hosting, Beatles - Yellow Submarine
1630 16.32 Eigen Risico, S5-7, other carrier 1628, Hawaii guitar polka, instr. polkas, 16.41: waltz song, 16.44: greez, "This is the station Eigen Risico"
1646 16.35 Rietvink, S3-6, Annie Lennos & Eurythmics - And I want You, id, instr. polka
1620 16.39 Zwarte Bouvier +unid, S3-6, two Dutch on freq interchanging, polka songs, 16.47: Ronny - Mountain Music's going Round, polka and waltz songs, 16.53: "Bleib bei mir Natalie"-song, waltz and polka songs, Dutch and German songs, 17.22: Zwarte Bouvier id
5140 16.56 Charleston, S5-7, Italian id-jingle, 16.57: "Stand by for action - CRI presents The Roaring 20's"
1670 17.45 Black Power, S7-9, greez to Matrix, techno
1635 17.48 Bonanza, S5-7, id, "Bonanza"-id tune, greez
1670 17.51 Matrix, S5-7, QSO Black Power, big band mx, cd 17.51
Disturbed ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S2, distorted 180 meter signals
1629 18.48 Marskramer, S6-9, occ. 25 kHz wide audio, Dutch songs, 18.56: Ben E. King - Stand by Me, Dutch songs, e.g. 19.02: "Lydia de ideale frau"-song, 19.12: Billie Davis - I want You to be my Baby, waltz songs, 19.18: "In Finsterwolde"-waltz, 30^, 21.18: greez to Sweden, Wilskracht and others, "Dit is de Marskramer, goede avond", polka song
1660 18.54 Studio 19, S4-7, other carrier on freq, rock, id 18.55, rock tracks
1620 19.00 unid, S4-7, 1629 occ. splashing, instr. polka and waltzes, 19.12: "Singing tra lala"-Yankovic waltz, Yankovic-polkas
1647 19.03 Nachtzwerver, S4-7, id, QSO Baanbreker, instr. polka, cd 19.06
1635 19.10 Bonanza, S5-8, 1629 splashes covering, Dutch songs, 19.15: thanking Paul for listening, "Bonanza"- id-tune
1638 21.09 Wilskracht, S6-9, 1629 and 1640 Greek splashing, Bobby Helms - Lonely River Rhein, waltz songs, id 21.15: "Dit was de Radio Zender Wilskracht uit Friesland", cd-ann., "Twist twist"-song, instr. polka
1638 21.26 Delfzijl, s/on, S7-9, rock, QSO Wilskracht, id, AC / DC - Fire your Guns, instr. polka
1648 21.31 Eigen Risico, S5-7, Greek 1650 splashing, instr. polkas, instr. waltzes, 21.49: swing polka song , band+whistling mx, swing polka songs, 21.55: polka song, 21.57: instr. polka, 22.02: talking, "Rozen uit Napoli", 22.06: greez, nicname, id, "Signorina"-song, 22.09: "Hele nacht met Angelina in Valencia"-song
1629 21.36 Marskramer, s/on, S5-7, 25 kHz wide audio, polka song, Dutch "Buffalo Joe"-song, "Kiddy kiddy kiss me"-song, 22.18: "Hello, hello, 1,2,hello, 1,2, goede dag, 1,2,hello", QSO, Dutch song, "Daddy won't You play me that Melody"-song
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