Logs 2024-1-14 + 2024-1-15

Sunday 2024-1-14

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz negative since 7 UTC, since 11 UTC Bz: -6 .. -2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S2, increasing ionospheric disturbances 14 UTC onwards, G1-peak at 18 UTC. During the early evening the 48 meter band was full of utes covering the broadcasts.

The ided ones:

6390      15.26     Misti, S5-7, ute 6385-88, rock, 15.27: CCR - Down on the Corner, 15.30: greez to Panda, "This is Misti Radio"

1621      17.26     Daniel met de Soto, S6-9, Dutch songs, id 18.30

1624      20.33     Professor Ziekbok, S8-S9+10, Gloria Gaynor - Never can say Goodbye, Lobo - I'd love You to want Me, 20.39: greez to Osaka

1638      20.37     Bluebird, S8-S9+10, brass band polkas, 20.41: talking

1655      20.38     Eigen Risico, S6-8, polka song, 20.40: talking, "Dit is de Risico"

The unidentified ones between 15 and 17 UTC: 6206, 6260, 6270, 6285, 6295, 6305, 6306

Monday 2024-1-15

Settling ionosphere after last night's G1-peaks, Bz: -1 .. +1 nT, noise: floor MW=S2, floor SW=S0

1629      15.01     unid, S3-7, other carrier 1627, Dutch songs, 15.12: "Himmebet Polka", instr. polka, yodel waltz, polkas, waltzes, cd 13.35, no id

1665      15.47     Josje Power, S6-9, Russian stations 1666-68 occ. covering, Balkan on freq, Ralph McTell - Streets of London, John Miles - Music was my first Love, 1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says, A Flock of Seagulls - The more You live the more You Love, 16.04: a-ha - Take on Me, 16.11: Alphaville - Big in Japan, Bachmann Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing Yet, 30^, 16.18: covered by the Balkan station, id 16.31, greez, march mx, 16.34: Billy Joe Royal - Down in the Boondocks

1673      16.07     Armada, S6-9, Rolling Stones - The last Time, 10: id, in QSO, song: "Yellow Rose of Texas", id 16.11, rock, cd 16.12

5140      16.19     Charleston, S5-7, 16.21: id-jingle

1665      16.41     Digital, S7-9, id, greez to stations, Cliff Richard & Shadows - Do You wanna Dance, 16.44: greez to stations, Daniel Boone - Beautiful Sunday, The Kalin Twins - When, Manfred Mann - Pretty Flamingo, 16.52: greez to Spakenburg, Cliff Richard - The Young Ones, 16.54: greez to David, Alvin Stardust - Pretend, 17.22: Buddy Holly - Heartbeat, Jerry Lee Levis - Hello Josephine, S8-S9+5

1622      16.57     Pontiak, S-S9+15, yodel polka, "Bye bye bis Morgen"-song, Hawaii guitar polka, waltz song, 17.05: greez, id, mouth organ R&R, 17.07: instr. rock, 17.09: greez to stations and David, 17.11: clarinet+band polka, cd 17.12-18, instr. country mx, id, QSO Monza, James Last polka, cd 17.21

1620      17.14     Monza, s/on, S7-9, QSO Pontiak, greez to David. "Radio Monza from the east side of the Netherlands", Kim Wilde - Cambodia, cd 17.17-29, instr. polka, 17.30: "Ich muss so fern so fern von hier .."-polka, "Juanita"-waltz, id 17.35

1660      17.37    Black Power, S7-9, Greek on freq, id, QSO Digital, country song: "Don't let Go", cd 17.39

Increased ionospheric disturbances 19 UTC onwards, Bz erratic: -3 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S2, signals in fast fading

1620      20.06     pres. Delfzijl, S9-S9+15, occ. ute 1621-24, John Fogerty - Blue Ridge Mountain Blues, 20.15: talking, 20.20: Jack Jersey - Papa was a poor Man, country and rock tracks, 20.48: "Mickey Mouse Polka", polkas, 20.55: "Ja, da liegt der Hase im Schnee"-polka

1629      20.08     DB, S8-S9+10, 1631 strong carrier disturbing, Cats - Sure He's a Cat, talking, 20.16: id, rock tracks, 20.51: CCR - Green River

1641,5   20.10     Oldtimer, S8-S9+5, Slim Dusty - I love to have a Beer  with Duncan, 20.20: Jack Jersey - Papa was a poor Man, 20.34: "Oldtimer Radio, Friesland", songs, 20.56: Jackpot - Is Everybody Happy

1665      20.12     Armada, S8-S9+5, Greek on freq, Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing, id 20.22, cd-ann., cd 20.23- 28, rock, 20.30: QSO Turftrekker, cd, 20.36: QSO Turftrekker, 20.40: id, Who - Another tricky Day, cd 20.42

1665      20.34     Turftrekker, S7-9, Greek on freq, talking, QSO Armada, id 20.35, Crowded House - Weather with You, cd 20.36

G1-peaks at 20.30, 21.30 and 22 UTC, Bz falling: -4 .. -3 nT, noise: floor MW=S2, signals in fast fading

1638      21.42     pres. Bluebird, S9-S9+15, polka song, Dutch song, 21.48: Johnny Cash - Get Rhythm, Dutch waltz and polka songs

1648      21.44     Pereboom, S8-S9+5, polka song, instr. polka, id 21.49: "Dit is kort aan de band Radio Pereboom", instr.polka, s/on again at 22.06, German song, greez to Frieloo, Jeneverstoker, Delfzijl, songs: "Möchte so gerne bei dir sein", "Bömische Musikanten"
1626      21.52     unid, S8-S9+5, Elvis - Poor Boy, Robin Gibb - Mother and Jack, cd 21.57, no id

1674      21.58     unid, S7-9, big band polka, carrier only, cd 22.00, no id


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