Log 2024-2-15
Thursday 2024-2-15
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +6 nT, solar radiation storm subsiding, currently slightly under NOAA S1 level, noise: floor SW=S0 , floor MW=S1
6310 16.39 unid, S5-7, occ. fax 6312, Dutch song, 16.41: "Adios adios Sonja"-song, big band polka, Dutch song, big band polka, 16.53-56 carrier only, waltz song, 16.58: talking, "Hello hello", cd 16.59
6300 18.40 Kiss AM, S3-5, reggae, rock tracks, 18.54: id-jingle, 17.01: "Kiss AM is now closing down, we would appreciate your report", email, cd 17.02
5140 17.06 Charleston, S6-8, 17.08: "This is Charleston Radio International"
1629 17.09 Twentana, S5-8, 1630 Greek occ. covering, Manfred Mann - Pretty Flamingo, rock, "Frau Meier"-polka, rock, 17.18: greez to Spakenburg, Dutch and German songs, 17.26: instr. polka, id 17.28
1620 17.11 unid, S3-6, other carrier 1622, polka songs, 117.19: German rock
1665 19.19 Digital, S6-9, occ. ute 1660-65, Dutch country song, accordion polka, 19.27: Don Gibson - Sea of Heartbreak, American Breed - Bend me shape Me, 17.33: greez to Skywire, DJ Ötzi - Ein Stern (Der deinen Namen trägt)
1611 17.37 Zwarte Man met de Concordia, S5-8, other stations on freq occ. covering, 1602 R. Tsentr. splashing, "Bei de jukebox"- song, march mx, 17.42: Dutch waltz song, 17.45: "Kleine Rosmarie"-song, 17.49: Blondie - Call me, instr. polka, 17.53: id
1656 17.43 unid, S4-7, 1660 Greek occ. splashing, audio breaking at first, Manfred Mann - If You gotta go go Now, Marillion - Kayleigh, Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light, 17.57: Fleetwood Mac - Go your own Way, George Harrison - My Sweet Lord, 18.11: Bobby Darin - If i were a Carpenter, 30^
1620 17.58 Blauwe Fazant, S5-8, other Dutch on freg, 1611 occ. splashing, big band mx, Kevin Und Manuel - Ich bleibe immer bei dir, big band mx, id 18.06
1646 18.08 Eigen Risico, S4-7,other carrier 1645, Dutch waltz songs, 18.17: "Dit is aan de band de Risico", greez to stations, "Juanita"-waltz
G1-peaks at 17.30-18.30 UTC, Bz: -4 .. +4 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals
1620 20.12 Blauwe Fazant, S6-9, id
1638 20.17 unid, S3-6, 1640 Greek occ. covering, Dutch songs
1665 20.20 Luka, S6-9, id
1629 20.23 Marskramer, S6-9, id
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