Log 2024-2-17
Saturday 2024-2-17
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz negative since 13 UTC, currently -4 .. -2 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0
1636 15.57 Gouden Ster, S5-7, "Dit is Radio de Sterre", QSO stations, instr. polka, cd 15.58
1636 15.59 Vriendchap, s/on, S5-7, instr. polka, 16.00: QSO stations, "Einmal wirst du wieder bei mir sein"-song, cd 16.04
6290 16.12 Weekend Music, S5-7, rock, hosting, "Weekend Music Radio live", rock tracks, recording: Sweden Calling DXers
6306 16.31 Sombrero, S7-9, other carrier 6305, instr. techno, 16.32: David Bowie - Let's Dance, id-jingle, hard rock tracks
6210 17.33 unid, S5-7, rock songs, 17.42: Dave Edmunds - Sabre Dance, 17.52 id-jingle: " .. listen to this wonderful station ... take a portable radio"
6258 17.34 Sombrero, S7-9, Thin Lizzy - Boys are back in Town, Guns N' Roses - Paradise City, 17.43: id-jingle
1620 17.57 unid, S7-S9+5, German and Dutch songs, instr. and yodel polkas, 18.08: hurdy gurdy polka
1656 17.58 Armada, S6-8, live id, Tremeloes - My little Lady, 18.00: id jingle, Troggs - Wild Thing, cd 18.02
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