Log 2024-2-7
Wednesday 2024-2-7
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. +3 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, 48 meters closing in fast fading
1633 15.30 Eigen Risico, S2-5, wobbling carrier 1630, thanking for reports, "Du hast die Träumen gebrochen"-waltz
1655 15.33 unid, S3-7, 1650U Corsen Radio (F) splashing, German song, instr. polka, "Milwaykee Polka", waltz song, Dutch and German songs
6290 15.58 unid / Golden Oldies Radio, S3-5, John Kincade - Jenny Jenny Dreams are Ten a Penny, 16.00: id, Dutch hosting, 16.31: "It's a good day, more music", instr. "A Taste of Honey", S4-6, occ. ute 6287-90
6320 16.01 unid / KISO / Kiss FM S4-6, ute 6318-20 occ. covering, "From Omaha we are KISO", same instr. rock playing over and over, 16.08: "The Kiss is back", 16.10: "70's and 80's music on Kiss FM", Whitesnake - Is this Love, later moved to 6325, occ. ute 6320-23, 16.29: "Kiss FM", rock tracks, S5-7
1629 16.39 Tarzan, S4-7, other carrier 1628, wobbling carrier 1630-31, polka, 16.41 id, Dutch song, 16.44: greez to Kees, id, "Roll out the Barrel"-polka
1670 16.45 Digital, S7-9, Greek on freq, id, Dutch version of "Vaya condios", instr. polka, 16.49: greez to Skywire and others, id
5140 16.51 Charleston, S5-7, song: "I've got a lovely Bunch of Coconuts", 16.56: "CRI presents The Roaring 20's"
6300 16.57 Mexico, S7-9, Dutch country song, Peter Kraus - Wenn Teenager träumen, Dutch polka song, 17.02: Tom Astor - Radwechsel, part of Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing, 17.07: SWCH Summermeeting 2024 registration info, English and German id-jingles, email, 17.13: Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
1620 17.35 Schaduwjager, S9-S9+10, rock, 17.37: Fischer Z - So Long, id 17.39: "Muscaria met een kort toest", 17.42: greez to Poema, "The Acapulco Polka"
G1-peak at 20.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -4 .. +3 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, temperature at the remote QTH: -20 C > 630 meter longwire antenna switch relay frosen > Modified Doubled Double Kaz-antenna working:
1629 19.06 unid, S7-9, other carrier 1630, yodel waltz, German song, instr. polka, 19.13: id, greez to stations, instr. polka, cd 19.15, ass. Witte XX, this was Radio Winnetou, ref: Irish Paul: https://irishpaulsradioblog.blogspot.com/
1620 19.07 unid, s/on, S8-S9+5, "Blonde Anna"-polka, Hawaii guitar polka, polkas, Dutch songs, waltzes
1656 19.09 Luka, S7-9, English id-jingle
1629 20.35 Spakenburg, S7-9, Dutch song, 20.43: greez, "Goede avond, dit is Spakenburg", German version of "Something Stupid", 21.47: Nicki - Tausend Fragen, dedicated to Delfzijl: U2 - With or without You, S9-S9+10
1673 30.37 Armada , S7-9, Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence, 20.38: whistling, knocking on the mic, whistling, 20.39: greez, Marty Mone - Six Days on the Road
1620 20.48 Delfzijl, S8-S9+5, greez to Salvatore, 20.53 song "Wooden Heart"
1647 20.56 Vrolijke Mijnwerker, S6-8, 1643-45 Russian ann.s splashing, Dutch song, 20.58: "test, 1,2", id, "Bloemen voor de frau"-song
1638 21.15 unid, S5-8, other carrier 1640, 1640-45 Russian ann.s splashing, Dutch songs
1655 21.21 Nachtzwerver, S6-9, Abba - When I kissed the Teacher - Take a Chance on Me, off-shore tune, 21.26: "Radio Nachtzwerver experimentelle hier"
1665 21.31 Kleine Man, S9-S9+10, big band mx, "Hello, hello", 21.32: Id, greez to Delfzijl, instr. "Tiritomba", cd 21.34
1620 21.35 Delfzijl, s/on, S9-S9+10, march mx, QSO Manolito, march mx
G1-G3-G1-peaks at 21.30-22 UTC, 180 meter signals in fast fading
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