Log 2024-3-15
Friday 2024-3-15
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0 floor MW=S1, static crashes from Germany, France +S1
6300 15.28 unid / Skyline Radio Germany, S6-8, "Skyline Radio Germany, all-Europe radio, broadcasting in a totally free environment"
1670 16.59 Digital, S4-6, Suzi Quatro - If You can't give me Love, id 17.01, instr. R&R, march mx, 17.06: greez to Concorde
1655 17.08 Yogi, s/on, S7-9, Dire Straits - Walk of Life, carrier only, 17.13: Earth & Fire - Weekend, 17.16: "test, 1,2", greetings, "Yogi met de jong lady Yogi"
1620 17.24 unid, S4-6, Greek on freq occ. covering, polka songs
1620 17.36 unid, S7-9, other Dutch on freq, instr. techno, cd 17.37, no id
180 meters disturbed by over the horizon radar rattles
1620 18.25 Philadelphia, S5-7, German songs, 18.27: several ids, 18.57: id
1647 18.29 unid, S5-9, Dutch songs, talking, , polka song, greez to Marcel, 18.40: talking, greez, singing, waltz song, cd 18.43
1617 18.33 unid, S6-8, other Dutch 1620, instr. techno, cd 18.36
1648 18.44 unid, s/on, S3-5, Hawaii guitar polka, 18.45 talking, in QSO-
1641 18.48 unid, S3-5, Dutch songs
Calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +4 nT, solar radiation storm at NOAA level S1, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
1629 20.26 Mondeo, S6-8, German and Dutch songs, rock tracks, instr. polka, id 21.00, greez
6295 20.32 Blue Dragon, S4-7, ute 6297-6307, country mx, 22.35: Spanish id-jingle, country rock, 20.40: Spanish, English and French id-jingles, cd 20.42
6275 20.33 ContiKenzo, S6-9, id, good weekend wishes
5805 20.36 ContiKenzo, S6-9, id, Cure - Friday I'm in Love
1665 20.44 unid, S4-6, Amii Stewart - Knock on Wood, Lipps Inc - Funkytown
1617 20.54 unid, S6-8, other carrier 1616, instr. polka, cd 20.56-21.01, big band rock, instr. polka, cd 21.08, no id, on again 21.14: instr. country tracks, instr. rock tracks
1638 20.58 unid, S8-S9+5, Dutch songs, 21.03: Heino - Caramba Caracho ein Whisky, 21.41: Jim Reeves - He'll have to Go
1646 21.27 Blauwe Koe, S4-7, other carrier 1645, Dutch songs, id 21.36
1655 21.33 Kristal, S5-8, CCR - Hey Tonight, 21.38: Classics - Yellow Sun of Ecuador, 21.47: Tracey Ullman - I can't break Away, is 21.48
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