Log 2024-3-17
Sunday 2024-3-17
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz steady: -1 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
6300 15.37 Blauwe Panter S4-6, ute 6300-05, Walkers - There's no more Corn on The Brasos, Dutch song, instr. "The Blueskirt Waltz", 15.46: id
6240 15.39 Monique, S5-7, Rolling Stones - Ruby Tuesday, id 15.41
6278 15.40 Joey, S4-6, ute 6276-78, techno, id
6290 15.45 Weekend Music, S3-5, ute on freq, id
6325 15.50 Sombrero, S7-9, 6310-25, rock, 15.52: id-jingles, later moved to 6306
5800 16.27 ContiKenzo, S6-8, occ. ute 5794-99, Metallica - One, "Jonges uit de norden"- country song, waltz song, 16.38: SWCH summermeeting info in Dutch, 16.41: greez to Paardenkracht, id 16.42
6275 16.43 ass. Joey, S5-7, occ. ute 6270-75, 10CC - I'm not in Love, Drifters - Save the last Dance for Me, rock tracks, techno tracks
6325 16.47 Batavia, S5-7, ute 6310-25, Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston - It takes Two, id 16.50
6260 16.56 ass. Ronalisa, s/on, S5-7, 6250 Echo of Hope + jamming splashing, instr. polka, techno, 17.00: CW on freq covering, techno, 17.05 moved to 6265, occ. ute 6255-65, 17.06: Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, instr. polka, techno
6210 17.04 ass. King SW, S5-7, surrounded by occ. utes, rock tracks
1670 17.12 Digital, S5-7, Hot Chocolate - Emma, instr. polka, 17.14: greez, id
5010 17.26 ContiKenzo, S6-8, Dutch song, 17.29: greez to Lowland
5035 17.27 Deltracks, S5-7, occ. ute 5033-37, instr. techno, 17.33: Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime, 17.37: "Je luistert naar Deltracks"
5880 17.40 Rock Revolution, S5-7, ute 5875-85, Bruce Springsteen - Brilliant Disguise, 17.44: id-jingle, Turtles - Happy Together
1638 17.46 unid, S6-8, instr. polka, cd 17.48
1629 17.49 King Kong, S5-7, Dutch version of "Humbpa Tätärä", 18.09: talking, whistling, greez to Strandjutter, Hawaii guitar R&R, S7-9, id 19.08
1620 17.52 unid, S5-7, other carrier 1621, "Annelie"-song
1638 17.53 Luka, S6-8, instr. "Okee dokee She's Ok"-polka, id 18.00
1675 17.58 unid, S7-9, Dutch jingle, techno, 1674U Stockholm Radio covering, Dutch song, 18.07: "Dit is de allerste erste keer .."-song, "Angeline de blonde sex machine"-song
1646 19.00 unid, S6-8, other carrier 1645, polka cavalcade: "Tic tic taco"-polka, "She's too fat for Me", ... , cd 19.08
1627 19.07 Akai, S7-9, id, QSO, cd
6380 19.10 Grenswinkel, S3-6, rock tracks, 19.20: Meat Loaf - All vevved up with no Place to Go - Two out of three ain't Bad - Paradise by the Dashboard Light, 19.35: "Je sind verbonden met de Zender Grenswinkel"
6940 19.37 unid, S4-6, Italian rock tracks
6931 19.46 pres. Indy, S3-5, Spanish song
1646 19.48 unid, S7-9, other carrier 1645, "Hey Ladi Ladi Lo"-song, "Susie is the Girl for Me"-song, march polka
1620 19.55 unid, S5-7, other carrier 1621, Yankovic-polka "What a Baby", "Mickey Mouse"-polka, 20.07: Dutch version of "Pippi Långstrump"-polka
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