Log 2024-4-11
Thursday 2024-4-11
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Russia +S1
6285 17.15 unid, S5-7, Sweet - Papa Joe, Classics - My Lady of Spain, cd 17.24, no id, sama kuin 6275
6270 17.21 unid, S4-6, instr. R&R, instr. polka, 17.24: moved 6270>6295>6285, 17.25: Little Eva - Locomotion, Dutch song, 17.29: moved to 6280, cd
6275 17.28 unid, s/on, S6-8, Classics - My Lady of Spain, 17.30: moved to 6280, panflute rock, 17.32: Wham - Last Christmas + panflute mx tracks, 17.33: Russian ann.s on freq, 17.35: Michael Jackson - Beat It, Dutch songs, 17.41: "Welkom welkom ..."-rock, rock tracks, 30^
6940 17.58 unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6937-40, Survivor - Eye of the Tiger, rock tracks
1620 18.05 Marskramer, S6-8, other carrier 1619, greez to Paul, stations, id, instr. polka, 18.06: Dutch version of "Paloma blanca"
1665 18.34 Zeepiraat, S7-9, big band polka, 18.36: QSO Meteoor, "Zeepiraat op de Mebo 2", instr. "Cuckoo Waltz", cd 18.38
1665 18.38 Meteoor, s/on, S6-8, Dutch version of "Achors Aweigh", id, QSO Zeepiraat, polka song, cd 18.42
1638 18.43 Gouden Ster, S5-7, 1620 occ. splashing, 1635 Greek, 1640 other carrier, German and Dutch songs, 18.55: echoing id, instr. country polka, Everly Brothers - Bye bye Love, 19.02: "Goede avond, dit was de Radio de Sterre", cd 19.03
1655 18.45 Ijsvogel, S6-8, 1660 Greek splashing, "Vamos a la playa"-song, "Oh Jeanette"-polka, 18.47: QSO Meteoor, id, cd 18.48
1667 18.58 Meteoor, S6-8, off-shore tune, cd 18.58-59 , instr. polka, 19.01, QSO Zeepiraat
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