Log 2024-4-19
Friday 2024-4-19
Stormy ionosphere since 6 UTC, G1-peaks at 9-15 UTC, G1-G4-G5-G3-G2-G1-peaks at 15-17 UTC, Bz: -18 .. -5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, distorted SW signals in fast fading
6300 16.49 unid, S6-9, Abba - The Winner takes it All, "She used to love me a Lot"-country song, 16.55: moved to 6295, oldies, Dutch songs, pres. JT
6280 16.51 unid / Mi Amigo, S6-9, rock, 16.53: R. Mi Amigo id, Everly Brothers - Bye bye Love, Cindy & Bert - Aber am Abend (Da spielt der Zigeuner)
6270 18.07 Avia, S5-7, "Dit is Radio Avia met een paar platjes", English id, Guns N' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle, cd 18.09
6210 18.10 unid, S3-5, rock tracks
6931 18.12 unid, S3-5, rock tracks, pres. Indy
Disturbed ionosphere, Bz: -16 .. -14 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, deep and slowly fading MW-signals, floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Greece +S1 ,all signals weakening
1655 18.16 Yogi, S4-8, "Veronica sorry"-rock, Dutch rock tracks, 18.23: Clarence 'Frogman' Henry - I ain't got no Home, 18.32: greez
1629 18.18 Turftrekker, S3-7, greez, Dutch song
1647 18.20 Ronalisa, S2-5, id, Dutch song
1611 18.29 unid, S3-6, polka song, instr. polka, 18.33: "We'll always be Together"-polka, more polkas
1620 18.37 unid, S3-6, Dutch songs
6320 19.10 JT, S5-7, "Säkkijärven polkka", "Indian Love Call"-song, Willie Nelson - Blackjack County Chain, 19.20: "Good evening where ever you are", greez to Dublin, id
6275 19.22 unid, S3-5, rock tracks
1665 19.28 unid, S3-6, occ. covered by 1660, waltz song
1660 19.31 unid, S3-6, Donna Summer - On the Radio, Cutting Crew - (I just) Died in your Arms
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