Log 2024-4-24
Wednesday 2024-4-24
Calm ionosphere, Bz steady 0 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany +S1, floor MW=S1
6278 17.33 unid, S4-6, other carrier on freq, listenable in LSB, R&R tracks, 17.39: Ritchie Valens - Oh Donna, Chordettes - Lollipop, 17.46: Reveille Rock - Rise and Shine, Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange, R&R and oldies tracks, cd 17.55, no id
6290 17.58 Ronalisa, S4-6, Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild, "Bye bye toot morgen"-waltz, id 18.03, 18.13: Tony Christie - Is This the Way to Amarillo, 18.16: Phil Collins - Sussudio, "Good evening, Radio Ronalisa from the Netherlands", 18.24: greez to me, thanks !, greez to Panda, Dutch version of "Mohikana Schalali" , 18.29: greez to Goran: "4 watts of power"
1638 18.49 Luka, S5-8, id, reggae, Dutch version of "On the Bayou", 19.03: "Goede avond luisteraars, dit is Radio Luka", cd-ann., accordion rumba, 19.05: id-jingle tune, cd
1638 19.07 Alabama, s/on, S6-9, instr. R&R, 19.09: id, QSO Luka, reggae, cd 19.11
5880 19.14 Rock Revolution, S5-7, No. 5875 Korean jamming splashing, Breed - Bend me shape Me, 19.16: id-jingle
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