Log 2024-5-3
Friday 2024-5-3
Settling ionosphere, Bz: -1.. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Italy +S1-2
6275 16.07 unid / FRSH, S2-5, occ ute 6272-76, id, hosting, Blondie - Call Me, 17.33: "FRS Holland playing loud all over Europe", German hosting, S5-8, 18.52: "FRS Holland goes DX", S6-9
6296 17.13 unid, S7-9, occ. ute 6295-6305, Abba tracks, 17.17: Abba - Does your Mother Know - etc., 17.24: moved 6296>6260>6265, more from Abba, cd 17.33
6300 17.23 unid, S3-5, 6296 splashing, Dutch songs, cd 17.28
6290 17.28 unid, S2-4, "Im Leben"-song, mx
6940 18.28 unid, S3-5, Glenn Miller Orchestra track, big band version of "In the Year 2525"
6296 18.38 Cuckoo, S4-6, mx, 18.39: jingle, R&R, 18.42: Cuckoo bell chimes, id-jingle, Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole lotta Shaking going On, Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in his Kiss)
5795 20.03 unid / Delta, S6-9, "Dit is Radio Delta met DJ Henny", 20.05: id-jingle
5880 20.07 Rock Revolution, S4-7, 5875 No. Korean jamming splashing, Sting - Englishman in New York, 20.11: id-jingle, George Harrison - I got my Mind set on You
Increased ionospheric disturbances at 20 UTC, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, occ. statics from Germany, Denmark +S1
1612 20.17 unid, S7-9, parts of country tracks, 20.19: carrier only, "All You do is bring me Down"-country song, 20.24: Freddy Fender - Before the next Tear Drop Falls, 20.28: Freddy Fender - Tell It like It Is
1620 20.30 unid, S6-8, other carriers 1621 and 1622, German and Dutch songs, 20.51: talking
1638 20.32 unid, S3-6, Greek 1640 splashing, Sniff 'n Tears - Driver's Seat, Dutch polka songs, 20.40: Buffoons - Going back to Arizona, Them - Here comes the Night, 20.51: talking, Cliff Richard - Congratulations, Crispian St. Peters - The Pied Piper, 20.57: greez, CCR - Lodi
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