Log 2024-5-9
Thursday 2024-5-9
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
6275 18.53 Akenzo, S5-7, Janis Joplin - Me and Bobby McG, "Zender Akenzo of the ContiKenzo Boys", AC / DC - Thunderstruck
6291,8 18.57 Bretania, S4-6, Ukrainian songs, 19.00: "Gavarit Radio Stanzia Bretania", cd
6895 19.05 unid, S4-6, instr. jazz tracks, ass. Zeppelin
1670 19.36 Matrix, S6-9, other carrier on freq, songs, 19.44: talking, greez to Technische Man
1647 19.38 Driland, S5-8, "Kleine meisje"-song, German version of "Yellow River"="Fremde Augen", 19.58: "hello, test, 1,2, goede avond, dit is Radio Driland"
1629 19.41 Turftrekker, S6-9, Dutch songs, 19.47: Plastic Bertrand - Ca Plane Pour Moi, 19.56: greez, id
1620 19.42 unid, S4-8, Dutch songs, 20.03: Mo-Do - Eins Zwei Polizei, Clash - Should I stay or should I Go, 20.14: Wencke Myhre - Er hat ein knallrotes Gummiboot, 20.22: Gitte - Ich will 'nen Cowboy als Mann, 20.29: covered by another Dutch on freq
1611 19.50 unid, S6-9, 1602 R.Tsentr. splashing, German song, "Hey Gobi"-polka, techno polka song, 19.57: talking, greez, Dutch and German songs, 20.04: greez, 20.09: greez, cd 20.21
1657 19.54 unid, S3-6, Yankovic polka
1638 20.18 Frieloo, S4-7, BZN - Just an Illusion - The Banjo Man, id 20.25
1620 20.29 unid, S6-8, other Dutch on freq, parts of instr. polkas
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