Log 2024-6-4

Tuesday 2024-6-4

Calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania +S2-3, sunset 19.45 UTC

5800      18.22     unid, S2-4, occ. ute 5798-5802, mx in the statics, 19.16: Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light,  Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights, S3-5

1620      19.29     Marianne, S3-6, German and Dutch songs, 19.35: Duo Herzklang - Santa Maria my Love, 19.50: greez to Risico, "Dit is Marianne joou", Silvia Swart - Duizend vragen, 20.35: S6-8

1643      20.10     unid, S3-6, Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy, Andrews Sisters - Rum and Coca Cola, "Im Schwarzwald und am Bodensee"-march, 20.35: S5-8

1629      20.21     Piet Ampere,  s/on, S6-9, country tracks, 20.25: "She burned the little Roadside Tavern Down"-song, 20.29: Marty Robbins - 160 Acres, 20.56: greez to James Bond, "Dit is Piet Ampere", cd 21.00

5030      20.46     pres. Deltracks, S4-7, rock tracks

5880      20.51     Rock Revolution, S4-7, Kinks - Sunny Afternoon, 20.54: id-jingle 


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