Log 2024-6-8
Saturday 2024-6-8
Unsettled ionosphere after last night's and daytime G-peaks, Bz: -5 .. +1 nT, S2 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, France, Spain +S1-2, floor MW=S0
6210 16.57 King SW, S3-6, rock, 16.58: id-jingle
6035 18.10 unid / Scandinavian Weekend Radio, S6-8, FEBC Radio, Arab Emirates, 250 kW on freq in the background
6290 18.36 Ronalisa, S4-6, Phil Collins - Sussudio, laser gun whistles, "On SW you're listening to Radio Ronalisa", email, Ronalisa jingle song, 18.45: id, email, Maywood - Rio, Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence, 18.54: ZZ Top - Gimme all your Lovin', 18.56: greez to me , thanks !
1655 19.21 unid, S3-6, rock tracks, 19.28: Maywood - Rio, Harpo - Movie Star, Piet Veerman - Sailing Home, Shocking Blue - Send Me A Postcard, 19.42: ZZ Top - Sharp dressed Man, S5-7, 19.57: Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit, S6-8, ass. Yogi
1620 19.33 unid, S3-6, instr. polka, French R&R, accordion waltz, Dutch songs, 19.45: instr. polka, Johnny Cash - It's just about Time, 19.55: Connie Francis - Stupid Cupid , 20.05: song: "Thinking about the Things We used to Do"
1642 19.47 unid, S2-5, other carrier 1640, Dutch songs, 18.52: Dutch version of "Country Lilly"
1630 20.00 Moonbreker, S3-6, Greek 1629 occ. covering, Dutch songs, 20.07: greez to Boogschutter, id
1665 20.11 unid, S4-6, "Du gehörst mir ganz allein .. Liebe macht das Leben schön"-waltz, polka song, 20.15: "Hookah"-polka
1638 20.35 Blauwe Koe, S4-6, Dutch rock, German song, big band rock, 20.43: id, "Eine weisse Rose"-song
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