Log 2024-7-11
Thursday 2024-7-11
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. -2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, France +S1-4
6280 19.41 unid, S4-6, other carrier on freq occ. covering, instr.polka, Dutch songs, 19.48: talking, 19.49: Pussycat - Smile - Mississippi- Georgie, 19.59: "Very good evening friends, this is station from the Netherlands, Radio XX", Pussycat - Teenage Queenie, 20.04: Rocco Granata - Marina, 20.08: German id, 20.13: instr. version of "Chiquitita"
6205 20.17 unid, S3-5, covered by beeping ute 6202-05, English hosting, rock tracks, ass. LHH
5880 20.33 Rock Revolution, S5-7, id-jingle, Ram Jam - Black Betty, Zombies - She's not There
1620 20.40 Twentana, S4-6, instr. waltz, id 20.41, "Hookah"-polka
1611 20.43 unid, S4-6, version of "You're my heart You're my Soul", rock
1632 20.45 unid, S6-8, 1629 Greek splashing, Dutch song, 20.47: Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight, techno, 21.00-08 carrier only, cd
1655 20.51 Kristal, S4-6, Dutch version of "One Way Wind", German song, id 20.55
1620 21.01 unid, S6-8, Yankovic-polka "Thanks for a wonderful Evening", yodel polka, polkas
1640 21.11 unid, S4-6, Greek on freq occ. covering, Dutch song, Ynkovic polka, Dutch waltz
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